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Forum Posts

LDAP Authentication in alfresco community3.2

Hi,I configure the ldap properties in (/WEB-IN/classes/alfresco/subsystem/Authentication/ldap/)but when i run the alfresco i will get the log in window, but i was unable to log in withe LDAP user where as admin can log ...

WebDav and custom metadata

Hello,I'm having a problem with Web Dav that I cant seem to fix. I have set up a network place http://<server>:8080/alfresco/webdav and I can successfully navigate through the Alfresco repository. I've set this up in both WIndows XP and Vista.I have ...

tara_b by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco 3.2 as package for Ubuntu 9.04

I installed the alfresco-community package (after activating the "partner" repository in /etc/apt/sources.list), and almost everything works fine.Things working out-of-the-boxhare, Check that Sun Java 6 is actually the active Java, otherwise OpenJDK ...

chr_ypma by Champ in-the-making
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Another LDAP Sync problem

Hi everyone,Very new to the world of Electronic Document Management, I am trying to get Alfresco CE 3.3 (nightly build) to work in my company. Not being a Network/System admin, I am currently struggling on 2 different points of the configuration of t...

jsabah by Champ on-the-rise
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Wizard File Upload Enhancement Requested

Hi there,I am developing a wizard to streamline the folder creation and file uploading process for a particular workflow and find that the existing Wizard functionality is lacking in this area.  In my particular wizard, I need to upload anywhere from...

Links relativos e links DDE

Boa tarde,Estive fazendo uns testes e me surgiu uma dúvida: como o Alfresco trata as mudanças de links relativos ou DDE ?Notei que mudando um documento de "pasta" ele não atualiza a referência, a pergunta é: Existe algum plugin, ou "X" que gerencie e...

fla_torres by Champ in-the-making
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Integração com o broffice e o msoffice

Boa Tarde,Pessoal comecei a utilizar o alfresco a pouco tempo, e gostaria de saber como faço para integrar o Alfresco com o Broffice e Msoffice?A versão que eu utilizo é a 2.1.Atenciosamente,Felipe Oliveira

Workflow Avançado

Para Workflows Avançado só tenho disponíveis: Adhoc Task (Assign task to colleague), Review & Approve (Review & approval of content ), só existe estas opções? É preciso saber alguma coisa de programação, xml, javascript para trabalhar com opções avan...

natan77sjt by Champ in-the-making
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Definir metadados em um lote de documentos na importação

Olá pessoal,Estou começando minhas "aventuras" com o alfresco, e depois de buscar alguns documentos sobre o Alfresco, finalmente encontrei este fórum.Estou utilizando o Alfresco como um ambiente de GED (Gerenciamento de Documentos), e gostaria de uma...

progdan by Champ in-the-making
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Users can't enter site in Share for a short period of time?

I'm running Community 3.2 with multi-tenancy enabled and from time to time my users can't enter specific sites in Share. The problem first appeared yesterday and after a few tries during 5-10 minutes everything seemed to work. Now the situation is th...

gronfelt by Champ in-the-making
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