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Forum Posts

Resolved! Ocultar o deshabilitar 'Mis ficheros', 'Ficheros compartidos',.... cuando los usuarios no sean administrador

Buenos días,Soy novato de alfresco y también estoy aprendiendo javascript. Quiero ocultar o deshabitilar "Mis ficheros",… cuando los usuarios no sean administradores. Bueno estaba investigando sobre el fichero de share-header.get.js de alfresco V 4.2...

fjsobrino by Champ on-the-rise
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edition en ligne

Bonjour, J'ai installé alfresco sur une VM ubuntu. Je n'arrive pas à afficher le bouton "editer en ligne"Auriez-vous une solution au problème ?Merci par avance,

newic by Champ in-the-making
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alfresco-web-client 5.0

Bonjour,Je migre l'un de mes modules de la version 4.2 vers la 5.0.J'avais une dependance maven vers org.alfresco:alfresco-web-client:jar et maven ne la trouve pas en 5.0 et après vérification je ne le trouve pas sur

Logout from external SSO (CAS)

Hello everyone!In our custom Alfresco Share 4.2 application we are integrating with an external SSO Central Authentication System (CAS), and we have the following problem: whenever the user tries to logout from Share, they are redirected to the /shar...

Different versions one installer

Good day,I installed the Alfresco Community 201605 GA on two machines. I am not sure if I download the installer on two separate occassions. However, I have one version of 201605 GA as Alfresco 5.1.f and the other 5.1.g. Though if I use the admin con...

darkredd1 by Champ in-the-making
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Shared DB Multitenancy

Hi, We would like to implement shared db multi-tenancy and would need some inputs from you to proceed on this. We have already delivered some part of the application to our client and he wants to implement the same for the entire group of companies t...

hari by Star Contributor
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Can I create associations using the UI?

Using Model Manager I did not see the provision to create relationships or associations. It is limited to only attributes and aspects. Can you please confirm?

yogeshkode by Champ in-the-making
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Hackathon 2016: Cloud based IDEs

I enjoyed Friday's hackathon, it was a good chance to catch up with some community related tasks, hangout in the hangout, and play with something new.Firstly, I spent a bit of time exploring the new community hub and correcting some things that didn'...

Resolved! Quickshare link broken

Hello,The public share link has stopped working in our environment, the browser gets stuck in a loop when the url is requested. Shows no errors in the logs. However, if I restart my application; it will work for a little while and then die again.I ha...

darkredd by Star Contributor
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retrieving mail field values

I have created a workflow using the Designer.  I  added a MailTask (ie servericeTask where type=mail)I need to be able to pass the final values of the to and from fields of this task to a listener.  I attempted by adding an 'end' execution listener a...

jmzags by Champ in-the-making
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