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Problem loading custom content model

Hello all,I'm quite new to Alfresco; I'm leaning to know the product with two books I recently acquired from PacktPub.Currently I'm reading Jeff Pott's "Alfresco for developers" and I'm running into some problems. At some stage a custom model needs t...

rajd by Champ in-the-making
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Problème de rafraichissement de dashlets

Bonjour à tous,Voilà, j'ai un petit problème … en fait j'ai créé des dashlets (à l'aide de jsf) qui se mettent à jour suivant les informations contenues au sein d'alfresco.Elles fonctionnent sans problèmes, cependant, j'ai un problème au niveau du ra...

REST - children by nodeRef ?

Bonjour,Je suis en train de développer un petit navigateur ajax pour parcourir les noeuds du repository Alfresco.Je cherche à utiliser l'API REST pour récupérer les enfants d'un noeud et notamment la méthode GET '/api/node/{store_type}/{store_id}/{id...

cytrix by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco Enterprise and Community Editions SDK?

Is Enterprise and Community Editions SDK same?I actually developed an API to call Alfresco services like Repository and Content Services. But before was using Enterprise Edition cuz was unaware about license now I want to shift it to Community Editio...

shamabbas by Champ in-the-making
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quels intérets des sous-groupes ?

Quelqu'un aurait une idée de l'utilité de sous-groupes?Voilà que je souhaiterai mais qui ne marche pas:groupe parent avec des droits minimaux avec des utilisateurs (lecteurs).un sous-groupe avec des droits plus élevés (contributeurs) avec des utilisa...

beemoon by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco Community configuration in linux

Alfresco Community versions configuration is also same as is Alfresco Enterprise?Can anyone provide me proper link or anyway that how can i configure Alfresco Community version with Jboss in linux?THANKSSS in advance 

shamabbas by Champ in-the-making
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Select space in properties

Hello,My question is quite simple:Is it possible to change the space of a content in the detail view?My user has to fill some custom aspects and after to move the current document in another space.Actually i can use an action or copy/paste.But it isn...

john90 by Champ in-the-making
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More than one web-client-config-custom.xml

Can I have more than one web-client-config-custom.xml file ?I updated web-client-config-custom.xml in tomcat\shared\classes\alfresco\extension for creating custom content model for custom metadata and it was working fine. Againg I created one more we...

khinendra by Champ on-the-rise
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Email alerts for simple workflow

HiIn 3.2CE Share, is it possible to email the assignee when a workflow is assigned? I didnt see a way to do this within Share and i am not sure whether the Explorer interface has to be used for this purpose. The outbound SMTP configuration has been s...

shivshan by Champ in-the-making
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tagging bug v2.9B

Hello, i've installed 2.9B when i want to tag over webscripts or office integration i always get an error:for example in webscripts:{ "statusString":"Action failed due to exception [JavaException: org.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException: Missing ...

ddanninger by Champ in-the-making
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