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Forum Posts

Deshabilitar la opcion 'Descargar'

Hola,Por favor, alguien sabe como deshabilitar la opción descargar los  los contenidos creados o archivos subidos  en un espacio en particular. Quiero que los usuarios sólo lean los archivos en el espacio y no puedan descargarlos.Ayuda por favor… Exp...

lexcorp by Champ in-the-making
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coger archivo dentro de espacio

Buenas, como puedo hacer para capturar un archivo dentro de un space por nombre, es decir un archivo que se que existe buscarlo solo en el espacio actual?con javascript si puede ser? y como puedo saber si existe o no existe ya ese fichero?

giorgio by Champ in-the-making
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How to create a new workflow sample

I already created a jPDL sample xml file and copy content from API . I try to read API to help myself understand . but it that ,I hope someone can tell me ,where to the xml file to copy to. where and what property file need to modify ,and h...

evan by Champ in-the-making
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How to authenticate to share using the REST API ?

I want to use the REST API to Share to create Share sites.I can log into alfresco with this code :use warnings;use strict;use HTTP::Request::Common;use HTTP::Request;use HTTP::Response;use HTTP::Headers;use LWP::UserAgent;use JSON;my $alfTicket;my $h...

ferbru60 by Champ in-the-making
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PDF/A Format

Customer would like to know about the PDF/A format.  See http://www.pdfa.orgfor the format. It is the new archiving format that has some rules.Does Alfresco support this format if not when?Fred

Cifs Editing in Alfresco 3.2 destroys working copy

I switched to Alfresco 3.2 and run into some problems with cifs editing. After editing a working copy of a document with an external editor via cifs and saving that document a new node is created. This new node is a new document and is not linked to ...

sebp by Champ in-the-making
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Ubuntu Package Update???

There were press releases and fan fair announcing that Alfresco would be a package for Ubuntu. this been completed?Can I apt-get alfresco?Thanks for the update?

newmember by Champ in-the-making
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JSR 170 vs Web Service

Hi at all!!!I'd like to know if is better to use Web Services API or JSR 170 ?Which is more faster ???JSR 170 is based on web services ???thanks in advance !

Alfresco è ciò che cerco?

Per il mio lavoro avrei bisogno di creare un sito web su cui caricare dei documenti digitali e farli visualizzare in maniera privata a specifici utenti.In parole più semplici, nel momento in cui mi viene commissionato un nuovo lavoro da un cliente, v...

moris_co by Champ in-the-making
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Is versioned content indexed by lucene ?contentstore size is 5.2GBlucene-indexes  6.9GBIf lucene is used during execution of CML statements or webservice methods like queryChildren ?

ra74 by Champ in-the-making
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