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Forum Posts

Searching records in RM

HiI have created few records with RM. Is there a way to search records based on record identifier?We have an option in the records search to search based on attributes. Is there any syntax or example for searching based on attributes in RM?Thanks- Ja...

Problème avec share

Bonjour,je suis débutant dans l'utilisation de Alfresco share. J'utilise Afresco 3.2.Je rencontre en ce moment un problème lié au tags. Au fait lorsque j'ajoute, supprime ou modifie des tags à des documents, le nombre de tags, dans la liste des tags,...

jul by Champ in-the-making
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Application java & plateforme Alfresco

Bonjour,J'ai une application que je doit développer avec java et  Alfresco (comme plateforme) dans le cadre de mon PFE et je ne sait pas d'où débuter.mon application consiste a recevoir un fichier XML a l'aide d'Alfresco puis le consulter par l'appli...

logger.log('test') always can not work;

even i changed the log level in as the below:# Set root logger level to errorlog4j.rootLogger=info, Console, File#

zzyyqq1 by Champ in-the-making
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OpenOffice Transforms/Document Previews Fail

I've been having this issue for 5 months now and have yet to figure out how to fix it.Document Previews don't work because the OpenOffice transformations fail. Ubuntu 9.04, Community 3.2, OOo 3The Tomcat log shows the following:Caused by: org.alfresc...

jpnoehre by Champ in-the-making
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Problem while retrieving property of Custom type

Hello,I had created a Custom property named ISBN, but from RepositoryServiceSoapBindingStub when i tried to get the properties, property of ISBN will not be identified.I am using Alfresco Community 3.2. I found a BUG (id# ACFCOM 1606) stating it was ...

shrivanshh by Champ in-the-making
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serveur IMAP et 3.2r

Bonjour Je suis en cours de déploiement de la version 3,2 r d'Alfresco (community Dernière version disponible). Voici la configuration. Je suis sur un réseau local. Le serveur Alfresco est lancé sur un Ubuntu 9.04 Dans une VirtualBox (3.0). L'ad...

jeanjot by Confirmed Champ
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How to Customize My Alfresco URL/Login Configuration

Hello,I am running Alfresco 3.0 on Windows 2003 server and I'd like to customize the login configuration so that the URL directs users to the Alfresco login page.Currently when users browse to the URL above it resolves to h...

Count number of specific word in a document

Hi Alfresco's gurus,I'd like to use the search service to count the number founds of a specific word. For example, I'd like to do a query to count the number of word 'amount' in a document (full text search). The result should be 0 to n items.Do you ...

webroro by Champ in-the-making
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Uploading Image

Hi All,   I want toupload image in my page using alfresco XSD , XSL when I use  xs:anyURI it is showing that image link, but I want Image preview in my page, How can I do this can any one help me.Thanks in advance.

reshma by Champ in-the-making
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