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[Solved]Ajax – empty responseText on GET

I am calling a web script via Ajax and I am expecting a response from the Freemarker HTML template, but the responseText is always empty and the return.status = 0. readyState = 4.  if (receiveReq.readyState == 4) {   if (receiveReq.status == 200){   ...

Replace selectmany form control - edit metadata

Hey guys.I am having some trouble using a custom control template on a select-many field when editing metadata in share.  I have created a custom document type that pulls a list of values from a database.  In Alfresco Explorer, I have created a custo...

rbowman by Champ in-the-making
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3.2r2 CE openLDAP + self-signed cert

Hi all,I have recently started playing around with alfresco and I am currently running into an issue, hopefully someone can help.Issue: I have a standard bundle install of 3.2r2 Community Edition which has been configured to authenticate against open...

jegans by Champ in-the-making
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Hola a todosResulta que quiero que los valores de un constraint se lean de base de datos (o de algún fichero), porque se prevee que van ir aumentando en el futuro. Leyendo el foro en inglés encontré esto

melongris by Champ in-the-making
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Multiple File plans

I've seen in the wiki that the RM might allow multiple file plans ( Does anyone know how to create more than one file plan and provide a typical use case for this (if possible)?My idea behind this...

fpp by Champ in-the-making
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ALfresco 3.2 et SQL Server

Bonjour,Je tentes d'installer Alfresco 3.2 community disponible ici SQL server. Certains diront , pourquoi ne pas aller sur mysql mais je ne peux pas !!! pour des questions professionnelles D...

alerte mail ou flux rss lors de nouvelles discussions

Bonjour,Je cherche le moyen de recevoir une alert lors de nouvelle discussion dans alfresco, soit par mail, soit par un flux rss.J'ai donc essayé de faire un script js lancé par une regle qui testerai si le type de document ajouter à un espace est un...

ariellle by Champ in-the-making
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[Résolu] Détacher le fichier du workflow avancé

Bonjour tout le monde,Je cherche la facon de détacher mon fichier de mon workflow  a la fin d'une tâche.Pour etre plus precis j'ai mon contrat qui est dans mon workflow et je veux le détacher a l'acceptation du contrat.Merci d'avance

leyer by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco Model + CIFS + Lucene

Hi all…I have a problem here.I built my own document model (with specific metadata). Then, I define a rule in a space that forces the documents that enter in that space, to be the type defined in my model. All works ok. If I access to the details of ...

luisg by Champ in-the-making
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Share Translation Problem

Hi Friends,I tried to translate all properties files in the SHARE folder . I have a very stupid problem. I translated all files except 3-4 words !!!  I couldn't find where they are coming.  When you click the document details you see the flash previe...

lordxx by Champ in-the-making
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