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Forum Posts

workflow sans document attaché

salut à tous, est il possible de lancer un workflow sans document?en faite j'ai réalisé un workflow de demande de congé et je veux qu'un utilisateur le lance sans nécessité d'un document attaché.merci

slipknotik by Champ on-the-rise
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Alfresco Studio

Qual é a versão do Alfresco Studio que está estável?Tenho a versão 3.2 mas não consigo logar.

URGENT:Sorting Lucene result on tokenized property possible?

Hi all,we have the problem with sorting of lucene search result by some properties which are indexed and tokenised.What is the best/fastest method to correctly sort lucene results by properties that contain multiple tokens (

serverok by Champ in-the-making
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Web Forms & MS SQL

Hey All,Can Alfresco 3.2 create web forms that place data directly to MS SQL DB's?Regards,DC

dcookes by Champ in-the-making
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How do I create a simple web form? (Eg, User's Project)

I am trying to create a section where a user can enter A new project, delete an existing one, and add timestamped updates on these projects in a 'web form' interface? - Similar to a helpdesk ticket structure. Can anyone help me out?

mlarivie by Champ in-the-making
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converting links and hyperlinks to Alfresco links?

I need to convert links and hyperlinks in .doc, .xls, .pdf docs to use Alfresco based links when the documents are added to the Alfresco repository.  Anyone having any suggestions on a quick and easy way to do this?

targa2000 by Champ in-the-making
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Error on Executing SDK firstfountationclient

Hi i need help,I downloaded sdk and configure with eclipse using the oracle10g  database configured with this environment. while executing the  SDK firstfountationclient, i got this exeption.please any o...

lmanoh by Champ in-the-making
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Problem creatig a new type

Hi every one, I am ne to Alfresco, I have installed the compete version 3.2 (tomcat, MYsql).I have first verified the model exampleModel.xml  by the TestModel and it's well formed.I have renamed 'example-model-context.xml.sample' to 'example-model-co...

meg by Champ in-the-making
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