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Forum Posts

Changing 'Document Actions' submenu of 'Document Details'

Hey guys.I am trying to personilize my Alfresco dashboard. It would be nice to have options like "offline editing", "upload new version" on the Document details pagedoes anyone know how I can customize that panel?here is a print screen for you guys t...

Problems with SHARE and Sharepoint after openLDAP

After installing Alfresco successfully I tried to get open ldap to work for authentication. I did get that sort of working but I failed to get it working for CIFS access, I know what I have to do but I did not want to allow all 12,000 registered user...

Avoid the creation of user home spaces while LDAP Syncronisa

Dear All        I am able to import all the users and groups from Microsoft AD using LDAP syncronisation. But i want to avoid creation of  the user home spaces in the alfresco. Is it possible to configure the with out creating the user home spaces to...

grp1260 by Champ on-the-rise
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Database table size problems

We are running an oracle back-end for our alfresco DB and are running in to some performance issues.  We have a query that does an outer join on  avm_nodes and avm_child_entries . two tables being compared avm_nodes ~2.5m records and avm_child_entrie...

arpilz by Champ in-the-making
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how alfresco uses the ddbb connection?

Hi, I created some custom tables to audit, I'd like to know how alfresco uses connections with database to avoid me a custom DAO and to avoid create a new connection everytime I want to write into tables.How could I get the default database connectio...

dacedos by Champ in-the-making
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Outbound Trigger

What I would like to do is create a trigger so that when a file is downloaded either by downloading from a web script or copying from the cifs interface to have an "outbound" trigger to be able to change the name of the file on the fly. I tried creat...

zezom by Champ in-the-making
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passing xml in web scripts

Is it possible to pass a chunk of xml from Javascript to the Freemarker Template instead of an array? Or should I be looking at doing this kind of functionality in a Java-backed web script?

randomman by Champ in-the-making
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Client aborted stream read

Hi,I'm getting error in log when I open PDF files in Alfresco (see below).I'm using Alfresco Lab 3 on Linux Debian. It seems that this issue came after the setup of pdf2swf which neither doesn't work… :-(15:16:31,064 INFO  [

webroro by Champ in-the-making
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Creating Alfresco Content via JCIFS

Hi,I have a Java application that already saves files to a SAMBA (CIFS). My question is on how I could get the correct values for the username and password, and specially the DOMAIN to be used if I am testing on a local installation of Alfresco 3.Tha...

junieboy by Champ in-the-making
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Office 2008, Alfresco CE 3.2r and OSX

Hi there,I tried to search through Google and this forum for how to connect office 2008 to Alfresco using the Microsoft Document Connection. I see several posts of people having problems with this, including this one:

frodelau by Champ in-the-making
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