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Forum Posts

CIFS - Files and Documents open as READ-ONLY

Ok, SO after countless installs of 3.0 Labs Stable, and then finding issues 1553 with regards to the stability of CIFS in the environment, we have migrated to 3.2 latest community version.  CIFS is now completely stable and works mapping wise flawles...

dseybert by Champ in-the-making
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CMIS & SOAP : authentification?

Hello,I would like to use the SOAP protocol with CMIS but I meet a problem with the authentification. With REST acess I can use HTTP Basic (and other auth method like ticket) without any problems.From the CMIS specification it should be possible to u...

grummfy by Champ in-the-making
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PHP Amp or PHP Library Clarification Help?

I am currently trying to get the PHP functionality working for the MediaWiki integration.I am confused about the MediaWiki which maybe caused by the same confusion on PHP.Is PHP Amp Install different or newer and more recommended than PHP Library?I h...

jaybytez by Champ in-the-making
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Disaster Recovery\Off-site replication

HelloI've been tasked with configuring replication of an Alfresco repository to an off-site location for disaster recovery purposes.  The RDBMS being used is SQL Server 2008, my initial solution is to mirror the database (i.e. provide a Hot Standby) ...

tkapasi by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco PHP Libary

Hallo Forum,ich versuche derzeit das PHP API zu Benutzen, ich habe dazu folgende Anleitung im wiki gefunden: ich scheitere schon im ersten Absatz. Es steht ja da man soll...

Parution de la version 3.3 Community

Bonjour,Presque 6 mois après la parution de la version 3.2, voici la version 3.3 Community, nom de code "Sailfish".Pour ceux qui ont du mal avec les explications en V.O et n'ont pas peur d'une traduction rapide, donc approximative, voici quelques not...

michaelh by Champ on-the-rise
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Alfresco Community Edition Implemetation

Hi All,I am currently implementing Alfresco community edition in my organization, whereby community edition packaged with MySQL and Tomcat which currently running on MS Windows Server 2003. In this server I have installed other open source apps such ...

Problemi e Curiosità

Salve,sono un nuovo utilizzatore (se così mi posso definire) di questo sistema ma avendo iniziato oggi ho ovviamente qualche problemino di troppo.Ve li elenco:Ho eseguito la modifica del file di configurazione per la lingua italiana, ma, nonostante a...

sellerone by Champ in-the-making
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Solutions to transfer data

Hello, Thanks for the help with our questions. We are now benchmarking data integration solutions, with most of the tools interesting for our business. We have been checking open source solutions and wonder which of the proprietary or open source sof...

mikwen by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco Web Script e jQuery

Ciao a tutti,segnalo questo interessante articolo

alberto72 by Champ in-the-making
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