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Missing object returned from search indexes

Hi all,I recovered a backup of the Alfresco system to test if it was done well and Alfresco could be recovered correctly. Weekly, the alf_data folder and database alfresco is syncroniced with backup copy. These actions are carried out in cold backup....

agey by Champ in-the-making
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Erreur lors de l'installation d'Alfresco 3.2r2 sur linux

Bonjour,Je suis en train d'installer le produit Alfresco sur une machine linux Red Hat. Lorsque je lance l'installation j'ai ce message d'erreur : Copying Alfresco Community Edition…Installing Program Files…                                           ...

kimblue by Champ in-the-making
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Utilisation des catégories

Autre question, qui concerne cette fois l'affectation des catégories à un document.Afin d'augmenter le potentiel de partage de l'information, nous avons opté pour un classement par activités, doublé de l'affectation de catégories personnalisées aux d...

imi by Champ in-the-making
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How does alfresco load the ContentTransformer Beans ?

I want to add a ContentTransformer to alfresco, and I found there is a file content-services-context.xml which has many contentTransformer bean, But I found through the whole project source code, I cann't find the source code which load these beans, ...

Deployment Config Alfresco 3.2

I'm upgrading from Alfresco 3.0 to 3.2 - I've got stuck on the config in the Deployment application-context.xmlMy original 3.0 application-context.xml<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC '-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN' 'http://www.s...

lynnders by Champ in-the-making
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I was reading through the Rhino FAQ page at and I saw an example that would be very useful for me to use in my webscripts.It says that there should be a top level variable called package and that this can be...

zezom by Champ in-the-making
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Duda sobre subidas múltiples

Pues estaba buscando alguna herramienta o desconozco si alfresco trae alguna opción nativa de subidas múltiples propias, he estado leyendo algunos temas parecidos en el foro pero creo que están algo más anticuados y me gustaría preguntar por si hay n...

juanla by Champ in-the-making
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workflow advances variables always undefined

i have this decision in my workflow,<decision name="tiene email">        <event type="node-enter">          <action class="org.alfresco.repo.workflow.jbpm.AlfrescoJavaScript">            <script>           <variable name="bpm_package" access="read" /...

haroldvera by Champ in-the-making
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PATH not honored in search

My custom webscript has a parameter "space" that defaults to "/". If a value is passed that is appended to the company_home and I want the search to only look in that folder and ones below. However, it looks like it is not honoring this. I have tried...

Mise en place d'un outil de GED basé sur Alfresco

Bonjour,Je suis entrain de mettre en place un outil de GED sous la forme d'une application web Java à base d'Alfresco que j'ai déja paramétré suivant les besoins de l'entreprise (ajout des utilisateurs et des workflow nécessaires).Ma tâche consiste m...

arbooch by Champ in-the-making
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