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Forum Posts

Create Massive User

Hi,We are trying to implement alfresco on our company, but we have some problem with all user that will using alfresco later.I want to create about hundred to thousand users to implement, is anyone have any idea to create massive user with minimal ti...

luminesens by Champ in-the-making
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where is navigation for search results defined?

I'm trying to redirect search results to my own browse.jsp but cannot find where the navigation rule from advanced search to advanced search results are defined.  Would anyone know?

esource by Champ on-the-rise
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Installation Share

Bonjour,Nous avons installé Alfresco (V3.3) sur une machine dédiée. Mysql est installé sur une autre machine.Cela fonctionne très correctement.Nous souhaiterions installer Share sur une troisième machine.Est-ce possible ?Si oui existe-t-il un tutorie...

philg by Champ in-the-making
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My Workspace problem

Can anybody please explain what I am doing wrong?  I have a Stable 3 version running on Ubuntu with Mysql and everything works fine except when I try to set up the personal dashboard in Share, I cannot get the My Workspace dashlet to work.I know that...

Intalacion a traves del war

Hola tengo que desplegar alfresco a través de war.Me he descargado un con 2 war: Alfersco.war y share.war. He creado un nuevo proyecto en Eclipse con Alfresco.war correctamente pero al intentarlo con share no puedo. ...

mluz1 by Champ in-the-making
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configurar el portlet de Liferay alfresco-client

Buenos días a todos, estoy intentando integrar liferay 6.0.1(Release candidate) y alfresco 3.3 community.(obligatoriamente tienen que ser estas versiones, aunque yo estoy en contra de usar una RC, pero bueno…) El caso es que estoy mirando los portlet...

magno_6045 by Champ in-the-making
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comment automatiser insertion doc+xml

Bonjour à tous,svp , je cherche un moyen qui me permet d'automatiser l'insertion des fichiers avec leurs index (fichier simple xml) dans Alfresco, afin d'eviter la resaisie des mots clé (index):nombre de fichier : 1 000 fichiers (pdf extension)  ,fic...

greg_tn by Champ in-the-making
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CIFS Windows 2008 Password error

Hi,I have a fresh complete 3.2r Alfresco install on a Windows Server 2008. I get no error message while starting, so CIFS seems to work. The maschine name is "test" so in windows explorer when I try to connect to "\\testA\alfresco" actually the usern...

rosemeyer2 by Champ in-the-making
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Hosting multiple repositories on the same server

What do you need to do to create multiple repositories on the same server? Do you need to redeploy the Alfresco app for each instance? Can we share the application server instance so that we don't have to open new ports for new instance?

glaksmono by Champ in-the-making
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XPath Date compare does not work

I can't get date comparisions to work when making XPath queries.Only this works:          Query query = queryManager.createQuery("/jcr:root/app:company_home/cm:MCP/element(*, mcp:document)"                                     + "[@cm:created = '2008-...

rajakari by Champ in-the-making
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