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Forum Posts

Cannot start Alfresco after 3 months

Hi, I have installed Alfresco for 3 months. Then I create a database backup using NaviCat. I turn off the Alflresco server (only MySQL running) , then export the dabase using Navicat. After the export complete, i restart the machine and start Alfresc...

Solution: improve performace in Alfresco

when you use Alfresco common problem is the performance! Here I did not mention the issue because the hardware configuration server can normally meet for 100-1000 users that are written pretty much on the forum so I just put out a solution but it is ...

vinaxwater by Champ in-the-making
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Issue with 'Use of Timer' in Workflow

Hi,I am working with Alfresco EE 3.2r.I have implemented a timer on a multilevel workflow.For Example: There are 2 assignees 'A' and 'B'. If 'A' does not approve in a stipulated time the workflow is assigned to 'B'Now, the timer expires and the workf...

How to map a network drive to Alfresco

Hello I am new to alfresco. I am trying to map a network drive to Alfresco. 1st off, in order to use CIFS, does NetBIOS have to be installed as a protocal under my network card? ( right now it is not). I am installing on Windows XP Professional Servi...

tmichals by Champ in-the-making
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Sharepoint and Windows 7

Hello,         I'm setting up an alfresco instance; I have alfresco 3.3 running on Ubuntu server (hardy) and I'm trying to set things up with Sharepoint.  I have it working on a Windows Vista after running the regsitry hack to enable basic authentica...

neil_benn by Champ in-the-making
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Compartilhamento funciona apenas com o endereço ip.

Galera,   Fiz a configuração do alfresco 3.3 autenticando no AD via passthru e sincronizando o ldap. Funciona beleza a parte web mas o acesso via compartilhamento apenas acessa via ip, se eu coloco o nome do host diz que eu não tenho permissão para a...

natives LotusNotes-Alfresco Plugin von Westernacher

Hallo,Wir - die Westernacher Products & Services AG - sind aktuell in der Endphase der Entwicklung eines Plugins für Lotus Notes (ab Lotus Notes 8.x) zum Zugriff auf ein Alfresco Repository.Entgegen der vor kurzen von Alfresco Ltd. vorgestellten Alfr...

jpfi_4454 by Champ in-the-making
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Workflow Approve then go to MyAlfresco - Lock wait timeout

I've started to get this error every time content is approved and then I go to MyAlfresco:Error in browserjavax.faces.FacesException: Cannot get value for expression '#{AVMBrowseBean.hasDeployBeenAttempted}'caused byrg.apache.jasper.JasperException: ...

lynnders by Champ in-the-making
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E' la soluzione giusta?

Salve,nella  nostra organizzazione abbiamo il DWH e un primo accenno di Collaboration sviluppato su piattaforma LifeRay e JBoss. Dobbiamo sviluppare una Intranet e a integrare il CMS (che dobbiamo appunto cambiare) con il DWH e la nuova intranet. Il ...

v_rapetti by Champ in-the-making
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