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Forum Posts

Update a document with rule and scripts

Hi all,I want to create a rule to update a document. I have some documents in a space and every day this documents must be updated with the content of another document. It means, I have the document A in Space A and when document B is added in Space ...

agey by Champ in-the-making
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Acceso directo, tildes y CIFS

Hola  a todos.Me he encontrado con un problema a la hora de trabajar con accesos directos.Cuando creo un acceso directo de una carpeta que contiene tildes, a pesar de que el enlace es creado y que funciona correctamente a través del web explorer, a l...

ehdez by Champ in-the-making
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Error when trying to deploy Alfresco 3.3g war in Tomcat 6

Hello,Im trying to deploy the war file of Alfresco 3.3g in Tomcat 6 on my machine running Windows XP . I am referring to the instructions at have added set CATALINA_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xm...

rzs by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco Share - Advanced Search requirements

After implementing our own Advanced Search functionality within Alfresco Share, i thought i'd share some of the requirements our business users raised. Hopefully some of these may be considered in the Alfresco Share Advanced Search feature earmarked ...

systec by Champ in-the-making
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Document Library Preview Images

In Alfresco share (3.3g installed, previous versions have the same problem) When we place files into the the system, they do not always generate thumbnails (returns the two cog icon instead), and or when viewing the file you get an error stating ''ca...

Application and DB in different Servers

Good MorningWe are tryting to set up an Alfresco V3.2 application following this architecture MySQL DB will be in server A, and the Alfresco application will run in a different server B. Installing it and launching it works 100% fine, however the per...

jlabuelo by Champ on-the-rise
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[Résolu] impossible d'acceder aux objets root en javascript

Bonjour,Je crée une règle associée à un espace (un folder).Pour cela j'execute un script javascript à cette règle.ce script est : createUserFolder() {   document.createFolder("Initial...

zomurn by Champ in-the-making
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thumbnails not working

I posted this in installation - but perhaps it is better suited here. Thumbnails aren't appearing, even though I'm pretty sure everything is setup correctly.I think it's an issue with openoffice or maybe pdf2swf. Is there any other things that openof...

tgmweb by Champ in-the-making
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invitations share

salut tout le monde, quelqu'un peut me dire svp pourquoi les invitations dans share au espaces marche juste avec l'admin, et pour les autres il donne 0 invitations envoyée et 1 echec ?

lola86 by Champ in-the-making
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SharePoint in Alfresco Explorer?

So I see that apparently, the SharePoint protocol is only working with Alfresco Share. Is there any way of activating this protocol in Alfresco Explorer too? Maybe a little configuration change or extension? Thanks.

fo1337 by Champ in-the-making
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