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HiI have extendend alfresco's content model, adding a new property (let's call it "cm:special_date")This new content property intends to replace alfresco's default created and modiied dates. Also cm:special_date is user-modifiable, not like cm:create...

Problems with cleanup orphaned files

Hi all,I'm trying to cleanup my orphaned files but this not work on 3.2r2 Community. I read and in <configRoot>/alfresco/scheduled-jobs-context.xml the contentStoreCleanerTrigger bean is comme...

cboita by Champ in-the-making
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Editing a site members profile details

Hello,I am using  Alfresco Community Edition 3.3g Tomcat bundle. I created a new Site in share.After logging in as the site administrator I added some members to the site as collaborators,contributors etc.As an admin user of the site,i can edit all t...

rzs by Champ in-the-making
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differences in 3.2 and 3.3 sdk?

there seem to be differences between the 3.2 and 3.3 sdk.  For example, in alfresco-core-3.2r2.jar in package org.alfresco.config, there exists a Config.class as well as a number of other classes that don't exist in org.alfresco.config in alfresco-co...

esource by Champ on-the-rise
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Gateway Implementation.

I am planning to create/implement the JIRA for the Gateway of types (Event-Based, Inclusive, Complex).I just checked the latest sourcecode in the trunk and could make that these are yet not implemented, just wanted to double check before I could cont...

vickyk by Champ in-the-making
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nightly build, share 'create rules' - fail on migrated site

I'm not sure anyone wants bug-reports on nightly builds - I certainly can file them, if someone suggests - but thought this was interesting.  If I use a nightly build - say, the one from 27 May (linux), install and create a new site, I am able to loa...

gnyce by Champ in-the-making
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Probleme upload dans interface share

bonjour,je viens de migrer du 3.0 vers 3.2r2 et tout marche bien .J'ai un probleme avec mon upload du YUI de fichier pour n'importe quel extension de n'importe quel taille.l'erreur générer dans les log est la suivante : ERROR [web.scripts.AbstractRun...

aragorn by Champ in-the-making
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suppression du boutton 'My alfresco' du menu a gauche

bonjour j ai supprimer le boutton "Guest home" du menu gauche en modifiant le fichier import-export-context.xml mais j ai pas trouver comment supprimer le button "My alfresco" , j ai cru que je dois suivre les meme etape que la suppression du boutton...

aimad by Champ in-the-making
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Passing parameter in action

Hi, I would like to know if it possible to pass a parameter to a script ?I have this action : <!– Done-editing document –>         <action id="done_editing_doc">            <evaluator>org.alfresco.web.action.evaluator.DoneEditingDocEvaluator</evalua...

lucene search for one file

I am trying to add/update a file in Alfresco.  In order to do this I need to see if the file is already in alfresco so I can choose either CMLCreate vs CMLUpdate. I have been through the wiki tutorial, and i try this search:+PATH:"/app:company_home/c...

mangar by Star Contributor
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