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Forum Posts

edit ''

Hello!I tried to add a new user to the existing demo-users and edited the ''-file in the demo folder:insert into ACT_ID_USER values ('NewUser', 1, 'New', 'User', 'new@localhost', 'new');insert into ACT_ID_MEMBERSHIP values ('NewUser', 'use...

Background color share wiki

Hello ,I just updated alfresco 3.2 to 3.3, because I had a problem with the font coloring in the alfresco share wiki. This Problem is now solved but now I can't change the background colors of the wiki page or a table column.Does anyone else has the ...

q-storm by Champ in-the-making
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Configuration of SSO

Hi,I have Alfresco deployed and configured with NTLM Passthru SSO.How do I configure openworkbenk community edition to work with SSO?.I could not find any documentation.ThanksMP

Disable Repository Button

I was wandering if it is possible to disable the repository button for specific users or roles, like "Consumers".The main idea is to block access to it to a role, like "Consumer" for example.Thanks for the time.RegardsClaudio

soborno by Champ in-the-making
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Login Admin non reconnu

Bonjour,J'ai installé avec succès la version Community 3.3 en local sur mon poste, mais lorsque je veux rentrer dans Alfresco avec le login et mdp que j'ai renseigné lors de l'install j'obtiens le message "The remote server may be unavailable or your...

fabienrime by Champ in-the-making
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Client side caching?

Hello everybody.I'm searching for simplest possible way to model following situation.We have only one alfresco server, to which we connect another system using Web Services. The problem is, that the other system is not located in lan, but  accessed v...

trakhan by Champ in-the-making
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fichier xml

Bonjour,Comment faire pour effacer un fichier xml (modèle de contenu).cordialement.

dicou by Champ in-the-making
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Accès aux données quand Alfresco est éteint

Bonjour,je ne pense pas que ce soit possible, mais sait-on jamais, alors je vous demande :est-il possible d'accéder aux données entrées dans alfresco (par exemple un fichier doc) quand Alfresco est éteint (j'entends par là Alfresco + tomcat) ?Exemple...

skank by Champ in-the-making
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Configuring LDAP

Hi!.I'm trying to configure Alfresco to authenticate and generate users and groups using LDAP. I've followed an article where I need just to edit the file in the folder alfresco/tomcat/shared/classes.Here's my configuration...

aique by Champ in-the-making
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