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Forum Posts

Database table for categories - Reg

Hi Team,I have seen the list of tables(starts with "ALF_") in Oracle database pertaining to the Alfresco CMS.Could anyone please tell me which table is corresponding to the categories in Alfresco?If not, where the categories are being stored when I t...

ganmaku by Champ on-the-rise
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Planning the next release

1) I just went through the jira issues a first time.  I think we should call the next release of Oct 1st, beta 2 instead of a release candidate.  Then in early october we can decide if we do a release candidate around 15 October and keep the GA relea...

tombaeyens by Champ in-the-making
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UTF-8 via SOAP

Hi,I'm using the alfresco web services and have the problem that I don't get UTF-8 encoded text. For instance when I create a file with the name "Łódź.txt" in the alfresco webclient it is displayed correctly (database and connection are properly conf...

tim-erwin by Champ in-the-making
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LDAP, tildes en el

Me pregunto si es posible apuntar a una rama del ldap donde un OU tiene tildes.En el servidor si configuro el, no tengo ningún problema en escribir con tildes, pero luego al arrancar Alfresco el log me dice que no en...

manu2097 by Champ in-the-making
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How to add line items

Hi everybody,Is there a way to export line items to alfresco? I have an invoice scanning application that recognizes line items, and i would like to export these to alfresco. i have an aspect called lineitem and that should be applied to a content ty...

jenskock by Champ in-the-making
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Error al intentar usar el passthru

Hola, tengo un error con el passtrhu que me está matando  :twisted: .Quiero activar el SSO así que en el : authentication.chain=passthru1assthru,ldap-ad-AIC:ldap-adpassthru-authentication-context.propertiesassthru.authentic...

manu2097 by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco MeetUp in Frankfurt

Hallo,Am 3. November findet in Frankfurt am Main ein Alfresco Meetup statt.Hier bietet sich die Möglichkeit ein mal direkt mit Alfresco und seinen Partnern in Kontakt zu treten und wir würden uns freuen dort unsere Community Mitglieder begrüßen zu dü...

bwerner by Champ in-the-making
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How to find total number of document uploaded in repository?

Hi,Is there any way i can get total number of content documents uploaded in Alfresco repository by all existing users.I found one db query but it does not seem to give correct ouptut.SELECT count(*) FROM alfresco.alf_node a where type_qname_id=35;whe...

Disponibilité Alfresco (Redondance)

Bonjour,Avez-vous déjà mis en place ou étudié des solutions de disponibilités pour alfresco ?L'idée est de mettre un serveur sur un site distant et de copier la sauvegarde le soir (alfrecodir + dump bdd) et de scripter le restauration.Avez-vous des r...

sergio1024 by Champ in-the-making
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Problème modification user

Bonjour,Je viens de faire une migration de la 2.1 vers la 3.2.Lorsque j'essaie de modifier (en admin et en tant qu'utilisateur) le profil d'un utilisateur, par exemple la société ou autre données j'ai le message suivant :une erreur système s'est prod...

anne_2465 by Champ in-the-making
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