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Forum Posts

Overwriting content vs version service

Hi,I have some content (PDF) that has the "versionable" aspect set.  I'm using some java with contentWriter.getWriter.putContent to replace the content without changing the version.  The Share preview panel and download action point to the new conten...

ruighr by Champ in-the-making
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ant -f continuous.xml distribute ' not found'

Hello, I am new with  Alfresco and have a problem. I am executing the command : ant -f continuous.xml distributethis generate the next error:BUILD FAILED/home/likewise-open/CARBONORCA/wm2622/alfresco_sdk/HEAD/root/continuous.xml:766: /home/likewise-o...

Document versioning

Hello I'm new to Alfresco and I have an issue about document versioning. This is what I need to do..- User checkout multiple file which related to each other (Assume version 1.0) (like a source code reference)- Then the user change the files - And th...

shanakaf by Champ in-the-making
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Create Content Programmatically

Hi,The Alfresco Client interface allows you to create content within a space with the "Create Content Wizard".  There's even a nice WYSIWYG editor that allows you to customize the content.  What I am wondering is whether this can be done progrmmatica...

sgomez by Champ in-the-making
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How to change 'View' within Folders

2 things:1 - want to change my "default" view of folders from "icon view" to "details view" permanently - on a user by user basis (Basically remember what I chose so that when I log back in its remembered)2 - we added additional properties for conten...

kcrum by Champ in-the-making
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Why no source for jlan in SDK

I downloaded and imported the 3.4 sdk.  I imported the source and documentation for these alfresco jars: alfresco-core.jar,alfresco-remote-api.jar,alfresco-web-client.jar, alfresco-repository.jarWhy is there no source or documentation for these alfre...

Disco duro lleno y quiero incorporar otro disco duro

Hola a todos!!Tengo instalado Afresco en una maquina con OpenSUSE 11.3, el disco se ha llenado con los datos de todos los usuario y necesito incorporar un disco duro mas.Alguien sabe como puedo configurar Alfresco para que siga con los datos que se e...

Problems setting up 3.4a deployment target

Hi,I've been trying to set up a deployment target for 3.4a and am getting a weird error message. The installation of the deployment client was very easy, a definite improvement over previous versions, but when I try to deploy to this target via the A...

What is Document and Meeting workspaces?

I noticed in 3.4a/b that there is an option in the pulldown on a user's mysites dashboard to filter the sites list and it lists Document Workspaces and Meeting Workspaces.  Are these new or am I missing something?  I have alrways created a new "Site"...

jriker1 by Champ in-the-making
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