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Forum Posts

Alfresco lucene Index

Hi,I have several questions about lucene in alfresco.I could not find documentations on those issues.1 - What is archive folder under \lucene-indexes means?2 - Can I set <index enabled="false"> for specific items and then they will not be index3 - Wh...

itayh by Champ in-the-making
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Main menu VS 'Contact' menu

Good morning,how  can I create page/links and place it near "contact" and not to make it visible on the main menu?I noticed the file "page.ftl" and I put a duplicate of "contact" that forwards me to other<li><a href="${url.context}/near_cont...

novel by Champ in-the-making
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Howto make a dashlet listing all folders of a site?

Hi,I want to make a dashlet, that list all folders from the 'documentLibrary'.I tried this analog to the 'documentsummary' dashlet, but I dont seem to be able to find out, how to get all folders instead of documents.'documentsummary.get.js':// Get th...

max12 by Champ in-the-making
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Using includes in wiki

I am using alfresco version 3.1. I have multiple wiki pages that all require the same navigation list of links. I don't want to copy and paste the navigation list on all the pages. If an item changes in the list, I will have to amend all the pages. I...

hss by Champ in-the-making
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Problemas con Alfresco 2.1

Buenas,Estoy usando alfresco-community-tomcat-2.1.0.tar.gz   en Centos 5.5 con Mysql  y jdk-6u20-linux-x64.bin.   Alfresco lo tengo en la ruta /opt/alfrescoLa configuracion de los ficheros es la siguiente:configurada mysql para utf8configurado alfres...

baroriro by Champ in-the-making
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Delegation on workflows

Hi,I have a workflow. In this workflow, user A approves content and it goes to user B.Say, user A will not be avaliable for 2 days. What I want to do is, if this workflow starts in these two days, the task should go to the user C instead of user A.(u...

waoslpf by Champ in-the-making
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List tasks assigned to specific group

I want to know how to get a list of tasks associated with a group.I tried to make the filter through the class WorkflowTaskQuery using the following code:WorkflowTaskQuery query = new WorkflowTaskQuery();Map<QName, Object> filter = new HashMap<QName,...

army81 by Champ in-the-making
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Leave a site doesn't work ?

Hi,I'm new on the alfresco community and recently we have implemented alfresco.I think there's a problem when i leave a site, i explain the case :I create a site and i invite an other person with manager role, when i leave the site i can always acces...

brano_funk by Champ in-the-making
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Issue in OpenOffice integration with Linux server

Hello Team,My environment is as followsUSE Linux Enterprise server 10 SP3(86_64)Alfresco Enterprise edition 3.3.1JDK 1.4.2Tomcat 6.0OpenOffice 3.2I changed file as follows:# External executable locationsooo.exe=/opt/openoffice.o...

ganmaku by Champ on-the-rise
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Dépacler un fichier depuis un workflow complexe

Bonjour,Je voulais savoir comment on pouvait accéder à toutes les actions Alfresco proposées dans les workflows simples depuis les workflows complexes. C'est à dire, comment déplacer un contenu vers un autre répertoire, ajouter ou supprimer un aspect...

katell by Champ in-the-making
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