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Forum Posts

Alfresco broken by distro upgrade

I messed up.  Stupidly allowed the Ubuntu update manager to upgrade me to Lucid Lynx 10.04 without double-checking my backups.  Alfresco isn't working after the distro upgrade and my backups don't include /usr/shareUsing alfresco-community 3.2.0-4 in...

greggn by Champ in-the-making
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Unable to import static XSD into web form via webscript

Hi,I've been following the instructions on Peter Monks' blog for including a static XSD in a Web Form but I'm having trouble getting it to work.My schema to be included returns the following XML:<?xml version="1.0"?><xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3...

not able to login

hey, everything is working fine, but suddenly alfresco reject my username and showingThe Home Space node referenced by Id: None cannot be found. It may have been deleted from the database. Please contact your system administrator.I M THE ...

chetna by Champ in-the-making
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GoogleDocs and proxy

Any work done in 3.4 to support outbound proxy with GoogleDocs?Thanks.JR

jriker1 by Champ in-the-making
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Custom Stencils

Hi there:Is there any possibility to run the editor (activiti-modeler) with different configurations regarding to plugins, stencil sets and stencil set extensions?I just want to dissable some of the BPMN Objects in my installation.Thx Best regards

colinjay by Champ in-the-making
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Can't find 2.1.7 release

Hello,I have a server running 2.0 which I have inherited, the client wants to upgrade to 3.3. Following the Upgrade Process it seems that an intermediary upgrade to 2.1.7 is the correct route to take, however I have only been able to locate a copy of...

alexb by Champ in-the-making
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LDAP-AD group membership issue

Hi,Finally, I could configure my Alfresco with AD integration. When I create the users or groups, I<m able to import in Alfresco and I can see them.I give permission to a AD group on a site. when a user from this group connect in his dashboard, he ca...

imad77 by Champ in-the-making
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Activiti Explorer: Order for content (my task or groups)

I'm thinking that if there are a lot of process instance in "my task" or waiting in a "group queue"  for be claim then choose a urgent task should be complicated.Then, which is the best option for show urgent task first?Playing with 4 o 5 task is eas...

jcosano by Champ in-the-making
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Eliminar Workflows de Alfresco

Buenas,Tengo un alfresco Versión: Enterprise Network - v2.2.0 (159), y me gustaría poder eliminar toda la información asociada a todos los workflows de los documentos que tengo. Hay alguna manera de hacer esto?? o incluso ir documento por documento, ...

send info to node through transition?

Let's say I start the process by kicking off an email.  Then they can approve or ask for revision.  When it gets revised, it transitions back to start.  But I don't want the email to say "new" when really it's "look at this again".Ideas?  Anybody?  B...