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Forum Posts

Schema auto-update failed: CE 3.3g on OS X with Mysql

Warning to anyone having Alfresco on OS X.I lost few hours today trying to debug why Alfresco was giving me hard time and complaining about schema update failed, when starting fresh install of Alfresco. I debugged my own setup configurations and trie...

huima by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco CE 3.4 Share | HTTPS SSL Verschlüsselt

Hallo zusammen,intensive Suche im FOrum konnte mir bisher keine Lösung bieten, daher stelle ich nun meine Frage.Folgendes Problem:Ich bin seit Tagen damit beschäftigt eine Alfresco CE 3.4 Share Installation per HTTPS Protokoll ans Laufen zu bekommen....

Alfresco 3.4b

Moin alle zusammen, nach der installation von Alfresco 3.4b auf einem WIn XP rechner, habe ich gemerkt das sich einiges verändert hat (vorher 3.3g). Beim Starten des Alfresco-Servers flackern die zwei CMD-Fenster (, die bei 3.3g übersichtlich alle Be...

pete86 by Champ in-the-making
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Problems with permissions after using a dialog

Hi everyone, i'm new to Alfresco, i created and tested an action, and now i'm trying to add a confirmation dialog to it….public class AprobacionSettingsBean extends AbstractTransactionJob{      transient protected PermissionService permissionService;...

suikak by Champ in-the-making
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language-pack für share

Hallo zusammen,habe versucht, das de_DE_language_pack_33_community_share zu nutzen und wie in der readme die Daten kopiert. Server neu gestartet, neu anmelden, aber Sprache ist immer noch englisch. Mit dem Packet de_DE_language_pack_32_community_expl...

bluealf by Champ in-the-making
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Mapping start form parameter to Java bean

Hi,is there any way to directly map the start form parameters to a complex Java object (bean)?I'm trying to store all form parameters in a POJO of type  "VacationRequest", instead of individual variables.Thanks for your help,Chris

rrabbit by Champ in-the-making
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Hiding Auto Version property on edit screen

As a way to enforce versioning for any changes made by users, I need to be able to have content with the versionable aspect but not allow users to uncheck the Auto Version checkbox on the "Modify Content Properties" screen.  There may be a bug to rep...

apickard by Champ in-the-making
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creazione primo sito WEB

Salve a tutti, da pochissimo sono entrata nel mondo di Alfresco, ancora sono un pò confusa sull'utilizzo del sistema.Vi elenco le mie necessita':dovrei realizzare un sito web ma non ho compreso bene la differenza tra ECM e WCM .ho installato, su sist...

criis80 by Champ in-the-making
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write to the log file

Hello,Im working with two alfresco environments: windows desktop and ubuntu server.I have developed some components and, for debugging reasons im writing to the console. I can use this on the windows machine because in windows Im running alfresco usi...

Unable to start alfresco server on Linux

Hi ,i'm getting the following error during the server restartCaused by: read past EOF   at   at