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Forum Posts

Configurable Dashlet deployment in Alfresco 3.4

Hi, I am trying to deploy the configurable dashlet in this link: directory structure in Alfresco 3.2 is `– share    |– WEB-INF    |   `– classes    |       ...

greenhand by Champ in-the-making
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copy the space name to space title

Hi,   I had 500 folders below the top level directory…  I want to copy the space name to space title..based on the title am doing some more customization in the below directories…what are the ways to achieve it… plz

muralie39 by Champ on-the-rise
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Redirect from Task

Hi,In Alfresco 3.4a share. If you start a Adhoc workflow and you assign a Task to a user "user1". When "user1" goes to his Dashboard and open the Task in "My Tasks", he has a button named "Task Done".I want to change the behaviour of that button to r...

isloat by Champ in-the-making
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Changing user passwords

I'm using Alfresco Share 3.4 as a standalone install, and one of my users has forgotten his password.What do I do? I can't see a way to reset it, and looking through the forums I can see that this might be a problem. I've seen threads about adding a ...

markrogers by Champ in-the-making
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Create Form with Operation in Web quick start

Hello ! Every body please help me ! I want to create form for input data and operation (insert,deleted,update and select) in Web Quick Start. So,How can i do in web quick start ? Could you give me the real sample please !Regards, Mono

yimmono by Champ in-the-making
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Upgrade to latest release of Alfresco 3.3

Hello,We have just started working on Alfresco 3.3 as our client want this version to be used in our new project.I have seen there are plenty of issues are solved and plenty of releases were released in the community version of 3.3.I have gone throug...

Share project - AMP packaging

I recently (almost) finished a project. Now I want to make it in amp package but not much is written about that. I found that you can generate project strcuture with maven as there are archetypes for alfresco projects. But my main concern is that I h...

Authenticating A. Explorer with ticket, possible in Share?

Greetings to the community,I implemented a Liferay portlet. This portlet is an iframe that loads Alfresco Explorer, passing a parameter (ticket) to authenticate the user.The ticket was previously achieved by code and is passed to the URL of Alfresco ...

pedja by Champ in-the-making
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Help Multi-tennancy emails

Hi everyone,I also have a multi-tennancy with my clients and I have a problem…about the outgoing email.In my file "" on "Alfresco\tomcat\shared\classes" I have the mail.username = and it sends the email wi...