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Forum Posts

Include Forms in .bar Business Archive

Hi everyone, I have a little problem here. I'm trying to use acitiviti purely as a set of webapps. I put together a small process consisting of start, usertask and end. I packed it together with a form into a .bar archive, the form being placed in a ...

eye by Champ in-the-making
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can't find the process defined in kickstart

I hava create and save a adhoc workflow in kickstart, and I can find it in probe.but I explore, the page always is busy to loading something, and nothing is loaded after a long time :?: ProcessesName Key Version ActionsLoading…

nicole by Champ in-the-making
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Check IN document in workflow

dear list,I'm having trouble checking in a document during a workflow. I have succeeded in checking out a document with a different workflow, but in my new "activate" workflow I can't check it in. There are no errors thrown but the document remains c...

ph73nt by Champ in-the-making
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A propos de

Bonjour,Je n'arrive pas a faire fonctionner OpenOffice avec Alfresco community. Je n'arrive pas a savoir si mon installation a un bug ou s'il faut installer quelque chose de particulier. Notez que OpenOffice était déjà installé chez moi donc j'ai dés...

gelinp by Champ in-the-making
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Metadatenextraktion anstoßen

Hallo allerseits,ich benutze den XML-Metadata Extractor aus Alfresco 3.4b. Funktioniert auch alles wie gewünscht, allerdings möchte ich nun zu bereits bestehendem Content die Metadaten extrahieren und frage mich wie die Extraktion initiiert werden ka...

Problema con tipo de datos path

Hola a todos,os comento el problema que estoy teniendo al modificar el tipo de datos que trae Alfresco por defecto. Necesito añadir un campo donde luego se almacene una URL. Por lo tanto, leyendo los manuales pensé que lo mejor sería crear un campo d...

titanikoktf by Champ in-the-making
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How to Generate Download links

hiI have create a webform in jsp to upload files into alfresco repository.Now i have to generate a download link to a file so that a user can download a file from alfresco repository to his computer.How can i do that.Thanks Anshul

anshul by Champ in-the-making
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change model with script

What is the solution to add a new aspect or a property to an active model via javascript?

gokceng by Champ in-the-making
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addAspect does not work?

Can someone please help?I am not able to addAspect to a space using the following JavaScript:var aspectName = "dynamicomeMetadata";var result = false;….var someFolder = rootFolder.createFolder("someFolder");  <– This folder was created.result = someF...

shea by Champ in-the-making
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JAVA_HOME export klappt nicht

Halloich habe mich an der Installation von Alfresco Community 3.4.c für Linux versucht.Leider ändert sich der Pfad des JAVA_HOME nicht. Ich habe die 32bit Version auf Debian 5 (lenny) installiert. Zuerst java6-jdk installiert. In der /etc/profile wir...

ojsmoke by Champ in-the-making
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