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activiti modeler can't work well

after i copied the activiti-modeler.war file to the tomcat install path , and start the tomcat web server,but i can't opent http://localhost:8080/activiti-modeler   on my browser.Why?  could anybody tell me?Thanks in advance.

ammyht by Champ in-the-making
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Comment vérifier si un utilisateur a un rôle donné

Bonjour,J'aimerai savoir s'il existe un moyen de vérifier si un utilisateur a un rôle donné autre que "admin" (user.isAdmin) ou "Guest" (user.isGuest).En effet, je souhaite cacher le lien "Créer un site" pour les utilisateurs qui n'ont pas le rôle "C...

3snet by Champ in-the-making
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ProcessInstance.isEnded() returns false

How can it be that processInstance.isEnded() does not return true if the process terminated?What did I do wrong?This is the process definition:<process id="testProcess1" name="Test Process">    <startEvent id="startTest" />    <sequenceFlow id="flow1...

frauke by Champ in-the-making
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How to remove a variable?

Hi,The API (ActivitiExecution class) doesn't have any method specifically for removing a variable from the execution.I am guessing setting a variable to NULL would remove it. Am I right? If so, it would be helpful to note it in the JavaDocs (on setVa...

iravanchi by Champ in-the-making
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Parsing the process definition

Hello everybody,is it possible to parse the process definition before the process has been started?We like to get some information about the tasks before starting the process.Frauke

frauke by Champ in-the-making
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about backing operation

hi,how can a process instance back to the previous node, i have read the user guide, but i did't discovery the demo.thanks for any advice

jonlee by Champ in-the-making
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Embedding the activi engine inside an existing app

hi,I have a Spring / Hibernate based web application (running on Tomcat) built with Maven.I would like to embed the engine in it.1. What dependencies should i include in order to use the engine (the services provided)?2. Are there scripts provided to...

feldmani by Champ in-the-making
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Some questions in Task query?

Hi     When I want to query tasks ,I use TaskQuery to add some criteria. I want to query all the tasks that a user can do ,including tasks assigned to this user , and tasks can be pulled by this user. I use the below code to do this query.    pe.getT...

bojiang by Champ in-the-making
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Usuário Guest

Toda vez que após instalar o Alfresco que tento entrar com o endereço http://localhost:8080/alfresco ele carrega com o usuário Guest, e não aparece a tela de login e senha, como posso mudar isso para que a tela de login apareça?

marcelovmz by Champ in-the-making
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