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Alfresco MailTo

Hai, all. I really need your help. I want to create document link in alfresco space with ms outlook. So when the user click link, it will automatically launch a ms outlook with the content url and detail view of the content as the body of the email. ...

How to Integrate Enterprise Report Service With Alfresco 3.4

Hi Guys,I am using Alfresco-3.4a. I install Enterprise Reporting Services to use generate Report in Alfresco using BIRT or JASPER Engine but when I start Alfresco after installing enterprise reporting services then I am getting following problems. Pl...

jmdpankaj by Champ in-the-making
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[Backup] mon script, qu'en pensez-vous ?

Voilà je viens vous proposer mon script de backup à froid et voir ainsi ce que vous en pensez.L'idée est la suivante : ==> Arrêt de tomcat=> dump de mysql=> rsync de alf_data=> création d'un tar.gz avec le dump + rsync==> redémarrage de tomcatEt le s...

legaulois by Champ on-the-rise
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Problem executing SampleRunnable and ProgrammeRunnable class

Hi,I was trying to run these two classes –SampleRunnable and ProgrammeRunnable. I'm on Windows XP and using Alfresco 3.4Now, when I run SampleRunnable, I get two files (1)dep-record-7b468de4-bc30-42b3-a620-df08b53812fe and (2)dep-record-41b11a6a-ff50...

davix by Champ in-the-making
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Create site - URL Name

Bonjour,Je suis nouveau dans l'environnement Alfresco, et pour découvrir ce produit, j'ai installé Entreprise Edition 3.2r sur mon PC sous XP en C:alfresco - local host. A priori l'installation s'est bien passée (bien qu'il ne m'a pas demandé de crée...

negima2005 by Champ in-the-making
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¿Por qué no puedo explorar el equipo desde Alfresco?

Buenos días,Llevo un par de semanas con Alfresco, desarrollando y buscando. Actualmente me han encargado un trabajo bastante teórico donde sólo hay "¿por qués?" Ahora mismo estoy peleándome con el acceso de Share a Alfresco, quiero utilizar algunos o...

victorpasc by Champ in-the-making
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Making Commands Serializable?

Is it an oversight or by design that Commands are not Serializable?Would it be possible to mark the service Commands (like org.activiti.engine.impl.cmd.StartProcessInstanceCmd<ProcessInstance>) Serializable?Context: this would allow us to initialize ...

meyerd by Champ on-the-rise
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How to jump from callActivity to the end of process?

Hi,I define 2 simple processes using service task(service tasks are required), and one calls another using "<callActivity>", e.g. A calls B.when starting process A, the service task handler(in the following) throws exceptions in process B. now i want...

shirdrn by Champ in-the-making
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process instance diagram in svg?

Is it possible to generate process instance diagram as SVG?  Currently I get the process instance diagram as png.  I'm interested in getting the diagram as SVG so that I can focus the digram to what ever process currently running.I have a rather huge...

kesavkolla by Champ in-the-making
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where can I found the source code of activiti?

Now , I am learning activiti . But there is not source code package to download in the download page. Is it the activiti a opensource project? Where can I found the source code of activiti?Thanks a lot

redsnake by Champ in-the-making
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