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Forum Posts

Alfresco 3.4 apache-tomcat-6.0.32

Hola buenas,He instalado a mano el tomcat en/datos/tomcaty Alfresco 3.4 en/datos/alfrescoSi coloco el War en /datos/tomcat/webapps al arrancar el tomcat no me lee el archivo /datos/tomcat/shared/classes/¿Puede ser un tema de...

Email di notifica riassuntiva

Salve a tutti,chiedevo un'informazione circa la possibilità di sfruttare lo strumento Alfresco Share come gestore documentale e poter inviare alla fine di una giornata lavoraiva una mail riassuntiva a tutti gli utenti che accedono ad un sito in cui v...

mat_teo by Champ in-the-making
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Modification JSP

Bonjour,ma question est sûrement simple mais je n'ai pas réussi à trouver de réponse simple ur le principe, si on modifie une page JSP (alfresco Explorer) (par exemple, on change un lien href), que faut-il faire pour que la modification soit prise en...

mr by Champ in-the-making
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How to add custom type properties to documentLibrary view

Hello,When I use simple view in document library I can see list of files and their properties: file name, modification date and creator. And my question is how can I add to this document library simple view  some additional properties of my custom ty...

aprns by Champ in-the-making
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Recherche Full Texte dans Share

Hello,Je suis entrain de tester la version 3.4b (sur Redhat)… Tout d'abord, chapeau pour le team Alfresco… cela devient de plus en plus facile d'installer.J'ai tenté une recherche en fonction d'un mot dans le document avec PDF, Doc, Docx.Dans l'inter...

dranakan by Champ on-the-rise
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Issue with multiple Quick Starts on same server

I created a wcmqs site and then changed the context from /wcmqs to /bob following the instructions I found in this forum.  /bob works quite hapily.  I have now created a new site through share (called kstest) and have added the wcmqs dashlet and impo...

setheridge by Champ in-the-making
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Installation problems

Hi, I am new to activiti, and have a problem with the installation.I downloaded activiti-5.4. on my windows seven machineWhen I first tried ant.demo.start I git an error with the tomcat installationI the tried again, first downloading tomcat apache-t...

dum by Champ in-the-making
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how to add custom metadata

Hi all,I have import alfresco source from alfresco svn but now i want to add custom metadata . In WebClient package i found a  web-client-config-custom.xml but its not working . so please tell me from where i found those CustomModel.xml and web-clien...

biswajit by Champ in-the-making
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Chemin d'accès dans un javascript

Bonjour,je suis en train de créer un javascript dans lequel j'effectue une copie d'un document.Je voudrais pouvoir spécifier le chemin où effectuer la copie. Le code suivant fonctionne : document.copy(companyhome);‍Il copie bien mon document dans l'E...

jgautier by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco Surf Tutorial issue with Roo

Sorry all if this is a newbie question, I did search for an answer but no threads were returned!I am working through the Surf tutorial and have installed STS.  I path in Roo bin and then go to Roo as the tutorial says. I get the welcome to Roo screen...

setheridge by Champ in-the-making
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