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Forum Posts

Using Wget to download packages, where to find the urls?

PLease all,I suffer of a silly problem that wasted my time!i can find the Alfresco packages to download in a download web page on the site of Alfresco, and i can download them directly to my machine by clicking on them, but when i want to download th...

yaziderman by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco 2.1 AND PostgreSQL 9 problems with Startup

Hi all,I’ve tried to install Alfresco 2.1 because i have to use it with Cmdbuild but I can not to start it .Versionsostgres 9.0Cmdbuild 6.0I unpacked in the path C:/alfrescoConfigurations :C:/Alfresc...

giuseppe by Champ in-the-making
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CMIS Plugfest 2011

About 20 members of the OASIS CMIS TC will meet in Redmond in order to test the interoperability of their products and solutions.From WeWebU Alexander Haag and James Michel will participate and test both OpenWorkdesk and Zero-Install Desktop Integrat...

rapa by Champ in-the-making
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Cancel Workflow

activiti Contains this recordELECT * FROM activiti.act_hi_procinst a WHERE PROC_INST_ID_=3701;   //ID_ is the same‍then I do: engine.getRuntimeService().deleteProcessInstance(String.valueOf(authorizationRequestObject.getIdWorkflow()),"Deleted");‍    ...

Add external link in titlebar list

Hi,Is there a simple way to add an external link to other web site like "<a:listItem>" in the <a:modeList> of the titlebar ?Or do i need to modify bean ?Thx in advanceCya

ribz33 by Champ on-the-rise
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Limite en el número de metadatos

Hola,Me ha surgido una duda al crear un nuevo tipo documental al cual quiero asociar un gran número de metadatos, alrededor de 100. Hay alguna limitación en el número de metadatos? A partir de un cierto numero deja de ser viable? Muchas gracias,Un sa...

loles by Champ in-the-making
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Sécurité Alfresco

Bonjour, Lors du test d'Alfresco, nous avons constaté que EVERYONE est un groupe qui a le droit de lecture et il est invité par défaut dans tout document ajouté récemment, mais cela contredit notre philosophie qui vise en premier lieu que l'utilisate...

choixged by Champ on-the-rise
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Support for MS SQL SERVER...

The backlog list of features includes a reference to MS SQL Server and the expectation of community involvement provide support. Are there any plans for that to change?Secondly, is anyone, generally working on providing the implementation to be check...

mtr3691 by Champ in-the-making
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Executer exemple JCR d'Alfresco

Bonjour tout le monde,je veux executer l'exemple " SimpleExample" donné dans le SDK d'alfresco , il m'affiche ll'erreur suivante malgré que j'ai ajouter l'es jar  de "AlfrescoEmbedded"dans le class path du projet "SDK JCRSamples"Exception in thread "...