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Forum Posts

Accessing Datalists from WCMQS

Hello,I've got a bunch of information stored in Alfresco Share datalists (out-of-the-box 'Event' type datalists as it happens) which I want to use to populate some web page fragments managed by Web Quickstart.I'm currently using the following method ...

Text notation isn't supported?

Hy all, I have tryed to execute e process that have some text notation but I get this exceptioorg.activiti.engine.ActivitiException: Invalid reference in 'bpmnElement' attribute, activity _5not found | prova.bpmn20.xml | line 90 | column 59Invalid re...

Aspect Inheritance

Hello ,I am working on content model and want to use aspect inheritance.Below is my code  where I have inherited aspect dm:customer123 from aspect dm:customer and inherited only single property.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><model name="dm:de...

ashwini by Champ in-the-making
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Change the Alfresco access URL

Hi friends,I'm currently running Alfresco Community 3.4.d on Ubuntu 10.04 server. Alfresco accessing URL is I want change the Alfresco access URL to If anybody have did the same thing, could you pleas...

samudaya by Champ on-the-rise
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Custom meta data extraction - spliting name/value pairs

Hi, I would like to use the default keywords field in document properties to pass all the meta-data related to the custom properties. I want to be able to extract the individual values and apply it to the corresponding custom property on Alfresco. Is...

Unable to move TimeBoundryEvent in Designer

Once I place a TimeBoundryEvent  on a UserTask within the designer, I am unable to move it around on the task. I am using the latest plugin 5.6 on Helios Eclipse 3.6.2.r362. Is anyone else having this issue?

richard1 by Champ in-the-making
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Multiple OU Ldap Authentication

Hi friends,I'm currently using Alfresco Community 3.4.d on Ubuntu 10.04 server. And run Open-LDAP (v3) on separate server. I only want to do LDAP authentication (no synchronizations).(/opt/alfresco/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/subsystems/...

samudaya by Champ on-the-rise
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LDAP-AD authentification

Greetings,i need help with configuring ldap-ad. looks

How Do I Download the doc I just Uploaded?

I have implemented the upload example: works fine, but how do I download/view the document that was uploaded?The upload post gives me the upload.displayPath and, how do I ...

duhannig by Champ in-the-making
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How to bulid a Lucene query for Tags?

How do I build a Lucene query to get nodes with specific tags with the cm:taggable aspect?I've tried:$query = "TYPE:\"ls:content\" AND @cm\"taggable:\"cat\"";$returnedFiles = $session->query($spacesStore, $query);‍‍‍but it doesn't return anything.

dallinns by Champ on-the-rise
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