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Forum Posts

DB Error on Startup

I am running Activiti 5.5, and I'm getting this error on startupEVERE: Exception while initializing process engine :no activiti tables in db.  set <property name="databaseSchemaUpdate" to value="true" or value="create-drop" (use create-drop for testi...

mgriffith by Champ in-the-making
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Start workflow from external application

Hello, I would like to start a workflow from an external application using web service. I know that workflow service are not exposed as soap, so I am trying to call the start-workflow action (org.alfresco.repo.workflow.StartWorkflowActionExecuter).I ...

alarocca by Champ in-the-making
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PVM status

Hi,these days we have to made decision between jBPM 5 and Activiti and Activiti is currently a winner, however we need to be sure about the state and future direction with PVM.So what is the current state? In Documentation there is the PVM part tagge...

payne by Champ in-the-making
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Action: cosa sono e come si creano

Salve a tutti!Vorrei sapere se ho capito bene cosa è un action e come viene creata una nuova, se mi date qualche conferma o mi correggete, ne sarò lieta.In generale un'action (azione) è un qualcosa che l'utente può fare per esempio per un contenuto (...

ventus85 by Champ in-the-making
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CIFS capricieux

Bonjour,un de mes utilisateurs vient de me faire remarquer que le cifs n’était plus disponible alors que j'avais fais toutes les manip' nécessaires (retirer smb du port 445 avec une clé de registre). Et j'avais réussi à me connecter en cifs à ma plat...

yanock by Champ in-the-making
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Accessing the Alfresco Repository through Perl

Has anyone successfully accessed, checked-out, edited files, and then checked them back in through Perl?  There doesn't seem any support for it in the documentation.  Is this even possible?  I'm looking for a solution other than web scripts to access...

dpclar0 by Champ in-the-making
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Repository backup and restore

Hi Everyone,I'm trying to backup reposiory from linux and restore it on windows.I've backedup alf_data directory, now I'm battling to backup mysql database.How can I backup linux database and restore it on windows?Thanks in advance.

liso by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco MS Office Add-ons

Hi folks - I am kind of new to this forum but my Company is an avid Alfresco using community.I am the IT person for the Company and have a need to get my users who use MS Office 2007 and 2010 suites  to integrate with my Alfresco Community installati...

frescosal by Champ in-the-making
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Windows 7 Client - CIFS Timeout

I have Alfresco Community 3.4d running on a CentOS server on the internet. On my work computer (Windows 7 Pro 64bit) I can map a network drive to Alfresco and transfer small files. However large file time out at seemingly random points. I connect via...

Problem setting up Eclipse on Mac

Hello, I am trying to setup the SDK on Eclipse on my Mac but am struggling to get it to work. The main problem is I have no experience of setting up a Java envirnoment and don't understand some of the steps on the guide