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Forum Posts

import et export de sites reliés par des regles de contenus

Bonjour,J'ai créé deux sites un site de travail et un site de publication. J'ai créé des règles de contenus afin d'automatiser le transfert de fichiers du site de travail vers le site de publication. Celà fonctionne trés bien.Or je dois changer de se...

cece by Champ in-the-making
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Seam Client for Alfresco rivet

SCArSCAr (Seam Client for Alfresco rivet) is a production-ready demo application for accessing an Alfresco document management repository. SCAr is built with JBoss Richfaces, JBoss Seam and RAAr ( demo site ...

rivetlogic by Champ on-the-rise
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Deployer permissions

All,  I have 3 File Deployment Receivers, one for Dev, one for Test, and one for Production. Is there a way to set up so that our web developer can use the Dev and Test deployer, but not the Production one?  I want only our head of marketing to be ab...

mangar by Star Contributor
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embedded mode?

Is there an embedded mode for the engine?  If so, how do I use it? thanks

henryho by Champ in-the-making
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How to send token to a specific superprocess's task?

HiI have a subprocess that is included in several major processes, but i don't know how to send the token to specific superprocess's task,if token arrive to the end, no problem.I want that rechazarBE(subprocess) send token to revisionGerenciaGeneral(...

mguarinoni by Champ in-the-making
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Dynamic Asset Collection exclude single file

So I have a dynamic asset collection setup to grab the latest articles but I would like to exclude an article from ever apearing in the result how would I do that?My query right now is:select d.* from cmis:document as d where in_tree(d, '${section:/n...

keanesf by Champ in-the-making
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Carousel slideshow error

When trying to display the carousel slideshow component I get the following errorAn error has occured in the component: /wqs/service/carousel/slideshow.It responded with a status of 500 - Internal Error.Error Code Information: 500 - An error inside t...

keanesf by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco and LDAP

Hi there,I followed this link to configure Alfresco and LDAP: without success, can't login with LDAP users. Is missing anything or do you have any other suggestion to follow?Thanks.

nofxpt by Champ in-the-making
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Agenda e attività su Share

Ciao a tutti,è possibile fare una dashlet personalizzata dove per ogni attività inserita in agenda si visualizza anche la durata per quella singola attività? Avete dei suggerimento per come operare? Oppure non è possibile una soluzione del genere? 7G...

need by Champ in-the-making
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How kill a active process instance?

I am using a userTask as "waitTask" so I can retrieve the variables at runtime. But I observed that the process instances are active in the database. How do I terminate the process instance so I retrieve the variables?All BPMN files have the followin...