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Forum Posts

Instalation and H2

I saw posts related to this earlier but I never saw a solution - I am running fedora 15I am trying to start the demo   ant demo.start  and I get this message Exception in thread "main" org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Exception opening port "H2 TCP Serv...

tbrooke by Champ in-the-making
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ProcessIntanceHistory Finshed Today

I want to display the number of tasks the user has processed today. Can anyone guide me how can i create the query of this ? Regards,Faraz

afaraz by Champ in-the-making
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TaskQuery slow with many tasks

Hi,first off all CONGRATULATION - ACTIVITI is really a awesome framework.I´m just implementing an application using Activiti and fiddling for better performance. While doing that I discoverd that Taskquery is rather slow if I have many Tasks. Let me ...

pcsquirrel by Champ in-the-making
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No se abre alfresco en el navegador

Buenas tardes,no se me abre alfresco cuando intento acceder a él desde el navegador  . entro en http://ip_del_server_alfresco:8080/alfresco , pero no encuentra la pagina. Si pruebo a entrar en http://ip_del_server_alfresco me dice It works! por lo qu...

hook69 by Champ in-the-making
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Activit Engine 5.7 auto downgrades to 5.6 then fails

Hi all, am not sure where am going wrong, my app is using 5.7. Which worked fine, until i restarted tomcat. Am using spring with the following config:<!– Configure process engine –>    <bean id="processEngineConfiguration" class="org.activiti.spring....

davidwaf by Champ in-the-making
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Problemas con usuarios de LDAP

Hola a todos, tengo alfresco 3.3 instalado en un servidor Linux Red Hat, la autenticación está configurada con LDAP para que se conecte a un servidor Microsoft 2003 R2 en donde está instalado Active Directory; el problema que tengo actualmente es que...

rlagos by Champ in-the-making
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Invalid JavaBean property 'baseUrl' being accessed!

Hi,I have installed alfresco 3.4.d on my machine.Everything works fine but on startup i get following warning message:WARN : org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.util.LocaleUtils - Locale name in faces-config.xml null or empty, setting locale to default lo...

[Résolu] Problème suite à une réindexation

Bonjour,J'ai en ce moment un problème assez étrange sur notre serveur de test. Ayant constaté quelques problèmes d'indexation, j'ai redémarré le serveur en mettant index.recovery.mode=FULL mais malgré le fait que la réindexation se soit bien déroulée...

Comment réaliser un workflow avancé sous alfresco

Bonjour tous le monde,donc je ne sais pas si il ya quelqu'un qui peut me donner un exemple ou m'expliquer comment faire un workflow avancé ( workflow aumoin 4 neouds), offet je cherche un cas concret parceque j'ai lus bcp de tutaux sur ça mais je n'a...

must by Champ in-the-making
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Share custom UI for a rule action

Hello everyone:I have developed and action that requires 2 parameters. One is a constrained list, the other should point to a NodeRef that represents a folder.No problem with the first parameter after I discovered how Parameter Constraints worked: im...

iblanco by Confirmed Champ
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