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Forum Posts

Busquedas con lucene

Hola estoy teniendo un problema para buscar contenido desde un webscript con el lucenesearch.Puedo encontrar contenido dentro de una carpeta pero no dentro de las subcarpetas de la primera carpeta, alguna idea?El codigo que uso en la query de busqued...

gabri124 by Champ in-the-making
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Error Sender address rejected: not logged in

Hi all,I have configured an email server into Alfresco on Windows to send emails and it works fine. But now, I have installed Alfresco on Linux and configured it to send emails. The configuration is the same in both sites but when I try to send an em...

agey by Champ in-the-making
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OK, I've installed alfresco, now what?

Hello, I've built a linux server for a client and installed alfresco on it. I think it went ok but I'm not sure as I've never actually used alfresco before.How can I test it to make sure it's at least half right before I hand it over?

vmos by Champ in-the-making
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Cambio de la configuración de log en momento de ejecución

En la empresa donde trabajo ( hemos decidido liberar una herramienta que permite realizar cambios en la configuración del log en Alfresco (versión community) sin tener que reiniciar el contenedor.Los cambios se pueden realizar p...

jbaez by Champ in-the-making
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Autenticar Alfresco 3.4x directamente con windows

Hola a todos mi pregunta es de que manera puedo hacer que al ingresar a Alfresco no tenga que introducir mi usuario y contraseña, sino que de una sola vez haga la autenticación con las credenciales del usuario de la sesion de windows.He estado leyend...

david512 by Champ in-the-making
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Upgrade 3.3g to 3.4d

Moin allerseits,wollte das System nur auf 3.4 updaten. Also Backup, die neuen WAR-files geladen, in /tomcat/webapps kopiert, die PROPERTIES-Files neu gemacht, neu gestartet und …. Nix!Das Sytem fährt hoch, als wäre nichts gewesen und das Log meldet i...

mbuchner by Champ in-the-making
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inserting condition error

Hello, I've installed the activiti designer 5.4.0 and create a process from scratch. Start, End, 2 User tasks and an exclusive gateway, everything connected by sequence flows is fine. But when I add a condition to a sequence flow, I get an error:An e...

ingo_ri by Champ in-the-making
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workflows statistics

hi everyone,there is it a way to count the propertiis of workflow in alfresco? for example count the sum of vacancy days per person in the workflow vacancy requestthanks in advance for your reply

gouja by Champ in-the-making
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webscrip-level caching

Hi there,Do the webscript-level cache settings work in wcmqs? I have added the following to of bunch of webscript definitions but the the script is being executed on every request.<cache>  <never>false</never>  <public>true</public>  <mustrevalidate>...

dsaum by Champ in-the-making
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Spring Surf dead?

Since I did not get a response to this on the most on-topic forums I am re-posting to the most active forum (and that is still on-topic )Q: Is Spring Surf dead?Originally posted at: