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Forum Posts

Possible to assign multiple components to the same region?

Hi.I am new to Surf and the problem stated might be the expected and correct behavior, but for me it is unexpected. So I need some confirmation of my observations as I can't find any documentation on the subject. Is it not possible to assign multiple...

sam1980 by Champ in-the-making
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Test dans une JSP (browse.jsp)

Bonjour,je suis toujours sous Explorer et j'ai besoin de savoir comment faire en sorte que des métadonnées s'affichent sous le lien du document (comme son nom, sa taille et sa description) mais uniquement pour un modèle de document précis.En fait je ...

jgautier by Champ in-the-making
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Almacenamiento distribuido

Buenos días,Se podría montar un Alfresco que tuviera un acceso web único y la capa de almacenamiento distribuida? es decir, se podría tener un almacenamiento en Sevilla, otro en Madrid y otro en Barcelona? Si esto es posible se podría hacer:1.- Que s...

mavika by Champ in-the-making
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Es posible desactivar lucene temporalmente (cargas masivas)?

Hola a todos:Una de las preguntas que me suelo hacer en los procesos de carga masiva de documentos en Alfresco, normalmente con ficheros indexables PDF o DOC, es si puedo desactivar el indexador (Lucene) y programar la indexación (o reactivarla) mas ...

cesarista by World-Class Innovator
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Hi All,I am new to Alfresco and I am trying to do a small POC where in I need to use WCM and FSR.I am just trying to play around with FSR and trying to get some sample code for FSR so that I can examine its behavior. Any inputs as to how I can run FS...

unable to install the sprinf surf

Hi,I tried to install the spring surf, but i am getting the following error..Please look into the following url for more details..,Murali

muralie39 by Champ on-the-rise
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Búsquedas por palabras exactas

Hola a todos,tengo un problema con la búsqueda en Alfresco Web Client Community 3.4.d.El objetivo que tenemos es realizar una búsqueda de la ocurrencia de la una palabra exacta dentro de varios documentos en pdf. Por ejemplo, si se busca accesibilida...

apalazon by Champ in-the-making
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Create a generic fail event manager

Hi,I am trying to create a generic fail event manager by using boundary event but can't get it to work. What I would like to do is whenever my delegate class adds an execution variable say createActivityFailed then I would likethe boundary event to c...

sazzadul by Champ in-the-making
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