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Forum Posts

mysqldump command fail

I have intalled Alfresco Community 3.4.d on an Ubuntu Server 10.04 server using the quick install with the bundled mysql database.  The Ubuntu server only had ssh installed; mysql was not installed.  When I use the mysqldump command: mysqldump -u roo...

gdowrey by Champ in-the-making
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Métadonnées ALFRESCO

Bonjour,Où puis je trouver la liste des métadonnées gérées par Alfresco ?Merci

hb64 by Champ in-the-making
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Seguimiento de documentos

Estoy necesitando tener la posbilidad de saber que usuario ingreso a determinado documento ,es posible ver esto?,alguien tiene idea?Gracias

Multi-tenancy and SSO (CAS+LDAP)

Good morning all,I have some questions, so I'm going to describe my situation:In multi-tenancy structure, I have fore example 2 tenants.-tenantdom1-tenantdom2So an user can login in alfresco by <username>@tenantdom1 or <username>@tenantdom2 (dependin...

Trying to deploy activiti 5.5 on Jboss

Hi forum,I have seen some post with users that were able to run Activiti on Jboss.I'm trying to do the same but I'm continuously running to a problem.Every time I try to start Jboss, I'm getting the following error:2011-07-12 21:51:23,401 ERROR [org....

npereira1 by Champ in-the-making
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Lucene search returning odd results for certain file names

So I have a fresh install of Alfresco 3.4.2, straight out of the box. In the home space (or wherever) I create three pieces of content:AAAA01.txtAAAA_01.txtAAAA-01.txtI then go to the Node Browser and do a Lucene Search for the following: +@cm\:name:...

username by Champ in-the-making
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Portage 3.4 vers 4.0

Bonjour,Comment faut il faire pour effectuer un portage des données (contenu base Mysql et Alf_data) Alfresco version 3.4 vers la version 4 ?Si on décide d'utiliser une autre base que Mysql comment faire ?Merci

henri93 by Champ in-the-making
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Getting POST parameters for a JavaScript webscript

For webscripts written in JavaScript, I'm able to get parameters in the query string via the "args" object. However, after looking over the object list in Chapter 9 of "Professional Alfresco", looking through the wiki, playing around a bit, and searc...

patorjk by Champ in-the-making
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SLA monitoring and executing workflow tasks

Hi, being new to workflow, rules etc, trying to figure out whether what I am thinking is a regular scenario in the workflow world or not. Say, I have this fictitious service called "Pizza Service". Say I have various service levels, platinum, gold et...

sapra by Champ in-the-making
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Activiti Tasks functionality

Hi, guys.I am looking for an OpenSource BPM engine to be used as main part of BPM subsystem of our custom enterprise application.First of all thank you for your nice Activiti engine.  It looks very good and promising.But I concern the current functio...

alum by Champ in-the-making
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