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Forum Posts

Alfresco setup with Maven

Hello,I'm trying to setup Alfresco 3.4.d using maven repo on, but it looks like the latest maven alfresco artifacts available are for 3.4.a.Is maven support for Alfresco deprecated? Am I doing' something wrong?Thank you all.

bodom by Champ in-the-making
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How to apply a customed file(jar, zip..)

Hello all. Thank you for taking the time to read this post.I set up the alfresco-community 4.0 on Linux server(CentOS 5.4).(server is a remote server, SSH connecting)separately, I am trying to custom alfresco(SDK Custom Login sample) on my Local PC,I...

pglovepg by Champ in-the-making
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how to view actions depending on user??

Hi everybody,I've created a set of actions as a buttons under a folder (or space), and I want that every user could see only specific actions (not all the actions).For example:The user "Teacher" creates a folder in the space "CREATION". Under this fo...

massanen by Champ in-the-making
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Taggable aspect problem ... and labels definitions

Hi All,I've a problem to show standard aspect cm:taggable ( Categories are shown instead ?!? ).I've created a custom type within a custom model in which I put my properties (Publication's date, Document's ref …).I apply madatory aspects such as cm:ta...

piski by Champ on-the-rise
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3.4d: Authorization 'NTLM' not supported.

Hallo Forum,neu im Forum und gleich ein Probem  Wir haben hier ein Alfresco 3.4.d Community Edition WAR auf einem CentOS 5.7 im Einsatz.Das Ganze läuft in einer Windows Umgebung.Wir nutzen SSO (Single Sign On) und authentifizieren gegen eine 2008R2 D...

wengi by Champ in-the-making
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Create deployment artifacts does not tell why failing

Hi,for some reason, the action "create deployment artifacts' in eclipse does not generate the bar and jar. But, it does not say why it is failing. where is the log , how to enable some detailed logging of this action.thanksSapra

sapra by Champ in-the-making
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consulta acceso privilegiado

Buenas:Tengo una consulta referente a un acceso web que genera la instalacion de Alfrescohttp://x.x.x.x:8080/alfresco/faces/jsp/dashboards/container.jspEsto queda disponible sin una autenticacion previa, creo que de cierta manera compromete la confid...

salvades by Champ in-the-making
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Pubblicazione su un diverso repository

Sto realizzando un piccolo sito web tramite il modulo web quick start.Leggendo alcuni articoli mi è sembrato di capire che è possibile fare in modo che il sito "live" risieda su un repository alfresco diverso da quello del sito "editorial". Ho interp...

How to write a java backed dashlet in alfresco3.4.c

HelloI had downloaded alfresco 3.4.c and successfully added few custom dashlets helloworld and weather dashlet. I need to write a java backed dashlet. I am trying from last 2 days without success.Can not figure out where to place the class file of Si...

rasharma by Champ in-the-making
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