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Forum Posts

Differences between Alfresco WCM EE & CE versions

Hi guys,Are there differences between Alfresco WCM Enterprise Edition and Community Edition from the API point of view? Are there certain functions or classes that can't be used in the community edition? Are there API restrictions in the Community Ed...

jaka_prana by Champ in-the-making
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Redirection automatique vers la page connection sous /share

Bonjour à tous !Je viens de faire une mise à jour de mon Alfresco 3.2r2 à la version 3.4d.Tout c'est bien déroulé sauf que j'ai un problème très particulier que je ne comprends pas.Lorsque je me connecte sur, par ...

babou27 by Champ in-the-making
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Backup/Restore Alfresco 4.0c avec PostgreSQL sous Windows

Bonjour,Après avoir utilisé la version 3.4 avec MySQL pendant quelques temps, j'ai tenté l'évolution vers la 4.0c et j'en ai profité pour passer sous PostgreSQL pour tester (Réinstallation complète).J'utilise un script perso de backup/restore.Le back...

fifisteph by Champ in-the-making
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Eliminar pestaña 'Mi Espacio' del Navegador

Buenas compañeros!Quisiera eliminar la pestaña "Mi Espacio" del navegador pero llevo días mirando en el foro y nada de lo que encuentro me da resultado. He visto en otro post que eliminando del titlebar.jsp la siguiente línea conseguiría mi cometido:...

kulash by Champ in-the-making
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how to register a renderer for document library?

I want to add an additional line to the Document Library that displays the content (node) type.  In the share-config-custom.xml file, I have the following (note the line index="40"):<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="DocumentLibrary" repla...

byc01 by Champ in-the-making
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Edit Online

First off let me start by saying that I am about done with Alfresco. I was close to being done after spending 2 weeks figuring out how to upgrade from 3.4 to 4.0b, and now I am at the edge.  I have NEVER in my life seen a more finicky piece of softwa...

UI api for customizing forms for human tasks

Hi,Does Activiti provide UI api for submitting the information from a task back to the user. Example scenario :In my use case , if a transaction is in incomplete state . A work item needs to be created with the status as pending and assigned to a use...

rajeshiv by Champ in-the-making
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4.0.b to 4.0.c bulk import URL change

Trying 4.0.c now but the bulk import URL changed? http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/bulk/import/filesystemProduces HTTP 404 now but that worked in 4.0.bWhat is the URL now?

rschuster by Champ in-the-making
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4.0.b 'move to' and 'delete' don't work

From http://localhost:8080/share/page/repository created a DOCS folder. Imported ~30 GB of files into DOCSNow if I try to "Move To" or "Delete Folder" the operations just time out with no error message and nothing happens. All defaults, no rules, if ...

rschuster by Champ in-the-making
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Autentificación LDAP a través de CIFS

Hola,Tengo mi instalación de Alfresco conectada a un servidor Active Directory. Tanto al acceder por el WCM como por el Share, la autentificación es correcta. Sin embargo, cuando me conecto desde Windows a una carpeta mediante CIFS, pongamos \\XXX.XX...

tremalnaik by Champ in-the-making
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