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Forum Posts

Luecne index tuning

Hi All,I want to increase the performance of lucene index in alfresco.I am not able to get any proper manual or link for it.Please provide me some links or any kind of document for lucene index tuning.This will help me a lot.Is the procedure is same ...

abhashree by Champ in-the-making
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Want to disable the authentication window pop-up window

I want to disable the authentication pop-up window which appears when i browse through localhost:8080/alfresco/service/index.It asks for user name and password stating that A username and password are being requested by http://localhost:8080. The sit...

Web Projects Event

Hi All,I am new to Alfresco WCM stuff.I have installed Alfresco 4.0 and WCM and also able to create web projects and deploy them successfully on deployment receiver.What I am trying to find out is whether we can capture Publish event (When we deploy ...

Backup Documentation Confusion, v.4.0 - Anybody???

Hello,I'm an alfresco newbie, just starting with 4c.  It's an absolutely lovely application out of the box.  My first concern in my shiny new repository is getting backup to work.  I've found the page on documentation here, but I'm guessing this page...

gt4431b by Champ in-the-making
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Problème récurrent avec les courriels entrants

Bonjour,Nous avons fait plusieurs expérimentation avec Alfresco 4.0d dans notre entreprise et généralement, tout se déroule bien. Il y a cependant un problème que je n'arrive pas à régler. J'ai configuré un site pour qu'il reçoit des courriels à part...

hratly by Champ in-the-making
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What is CDI?

What is CDI in activity?What's is aim for?

chaoyy by Champ in-the-making
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Backup Alfresco Server

How to backup Alfresco? database, files, logs, etc. What's need to be backup on alfresco. Do I need to backup the whole /opt/alfresco?

xzibit12 by Champ in-the-making
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Where can I get the explorer's source code?

I wanna reuse the code of activiti explorer.Activiti is a opensource project, but I can't find the source code of activiti explorer from the activiti-5.8 package. where can download ?

chaoyy by Champ in-the-making
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Business keys & external reference IDs

It appears that the intent of Activiti's "business key" is that of an external ID for a given process instance.  This works well in the case where you need to uniquely identify a process instance without needing to know its internal ID.  The current ...

rkroll by Champ in-the-making
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Deploy custom workflow which has service task

Hi,I have created custom workflow and successfully deployed it on Alfresco. I just copied my:myProcess.bpmn.xml, myProcess-context.xml and myProcess-model.xml file into \Alfresco\tomcat\shared\classes\alfresco\extension folder and share-config-custom...

azivotic by Champ in-the-making
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