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Forum Posts

Custom Folder Created But Name is UUID?

Hi all,I'm writing a Java-backed webscript that creates a custom folder (a type that extends "cm:folder" with a few additional attributes). The folder is created without a problem, but the "cm:name" attribute is set to the node's UUID and not the fil...

cpaul by Champ on-the-rise
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Tagging Documents with Activiti Workflow

Hi,I'm searching now for 2 days but couldn't find any answer.After a workflow of activiti is finished, for instance "Review & Approve", how is the document tagged or marked?How can someone see the result of the workflow at the document details?thanks...

kyman by Champ in-the-making
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statistical Graph about contents on alfresco share interface

Hi,Is it possible to have a dashlet showing statistical graph about contents on share interface.For example does it exist a way to show a graph of the percentage of the documents having a given metada ? and to updata it automatically when the documen...

zeldoune by Champ in-the-making
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Is there a way to rollback task completion?

Once taskService.complete(id) is invoked is there a way to stop this from completing? As by throwing an exception? I tried an error end point - however that did not help. Using an XOR gate to loop back also doesn't help me since that will end up crea...

dileeph by Champ in-the-making
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Coding style for non-Java files (use tabs as spaces?)

I wonder if there is any particular coding style for non-Java classes in the Activiti project. My actual concern is how tabs should be handled in non-Java files, e.g. xml documents. The Activiti coding style for java (

inserimento di un form di inserimento dati su share

salve, qualcuno sa come creare delle form di inserimento dati su alfresco share?ho letto sul wiki di alfresco che bisogna configurare il file share-config-custom.xml.Qualcuno potrebbe darmi qualche spiegazione in più?grazie.

domilingos by Champ in-the-making
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5.9 and exclusive jobs

Hi,Just wanted to share this observation, maybe other people have the same opinion. The doc says about exclusive jobs:It is actually not a performance issue. Performance is an issue under heavy load. Heavy load means that all worker threads of the jo...

heymjo by Champ on-the-rise
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How to install record management module into ubuntu 10.04?

Hi everyone,I managed to install alfresco 3.4d to my ubuntu 10.04 test server via this guide I notice the record management module is not installed by default.I google around and notice the...

wcm content for liferay portlet

hello ,I ve been working on alfresco4.0.b wcm integration with liferay 6.1.i ve created web project called sample and web form. web content is created using the web form-  sample.html,sample.xml in user sandbox. after submission, it moves to the stag...

ranj by Champ on-the-rise
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Alfresco Lucene Search Sort by Date Issue

We are building a webapp using Alfresco Surf, and are using a Lucene search to return results from the database.  All the searches work fine with out sorting functionality except date.  When we sort by modified date or created date then the first 3 p...

jboss by Champ in-the-making
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