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Forum Posts in custom AMP

Hi folksI've packaged up a custom content model definition in an AMP file. Included in the AMP is a web-client-config.xml that makes the custom types and aspects available in the Explorer UI. This all works fine except for the fact that the labels fo...

ukdavo by Champ in-the-making
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Enlace a carpeta personal de usuarios

Hola a todos!Estoy tratando de incluir un enlace en el Dashlet "Mi perfil" de Share para que el usuario navegue hasta su carpeta personal.El caso es que estoy un poco verde aún en qué objetos puedo utilizar en cada caso. Lo que estoy haciendo es:- He...

rhakaro by Champ in-the-making
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default space

As a normal user (no admin) I use Alfresco mostly on a space that is several levels down in the organization hierarchy.In stead of always clicking my way to it, I would like to open Alfresco with this space.But I only see Company Home; My Home and My...

karelduran by Champ in-the-making
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Error ao tentar logar no http://localhost:8080/share

Boa tarde.Estou usando um CentOS 6.0 e instalei o alfresco (alfresco-community-4.0.d-installer-linux-x64.bin (64 bit)) em modo texto usando o easy, a instalação foi um sucesso porem na hora de logar aparece um erro " The remote server may be unavaila...

rogerio by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco Share VS metadata versioning

I've a question regarding versioning of metadata in Share. As I can see by default metadata is versioned but only as a 'snapshot' in the moment of uploading new content version. I would like to force alfresco to store a new minor version at EVERY met...

freemarker inclusions in properties files

Hello,I'm currently working on a project involving several home-made webscripts.I internationalize those by using the classic  .<method>.properties files.I noticed that, obviously, some of my language strings were the same across all those webscript ...

scouil by Star Contributor
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How to add custom filters to Share/Repository

Hello,I need to add custom filters in the navigation panel for Sites and Repository (similar to All Documents, I'm editing etc. but searching for custom metadata).I implemented a new Share extension for filter - component (I mean <region-id>filter</r...

Set initial property values

As with the current CMIS specification it is not possible to handle default property values in ECM systems, with the OpenWorkdesk release it is possible to workaround a solution for this issue. :shock: You just have to define your object clas...

deko by Star Contributor
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Support of Aspects with OpenWorkdesk 3.2

As you might know there're problems with aspects by using Alfresco. No other repository seems to have such a behavior with aspects but unfortunately Alfresco does not allow to use aspects as it is expected.Alfresco knows about this and planned to sol...

mkappel by Confirmed Champ
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Did you know that WeWebU improved the usability of OpenWorkdesk with the latest OpenWorkdesk release by introducing new "power user" keyboard shortcuts? :!: In any browse master plugin, where you can see a folder tree and a document resultlis...

deko by Star Contributor
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