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[share] installation

Suite à un problème sur connexion avec Share :Est il possible de réinstaller que Share ? Alfresco est OKSi oui existe t il une procédure ?Merci

hb64 by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco community 4d - activation intégration google docs

Bonjour,je viens de faire une fraîche install de community 4d sous windows 2008r2 x64.Je cherche à activer la configuration google docs.Dans le manuel, je vois qu'on peut l'activer directement à partir d'administration page de share : http://docs.alf...

legaulois by Champ on-the-rise
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Cut and Paste documents is not working

Hi,I have tested your cut plugin and get an error when I try to paste it to another location => I am working on Alfresco and have set up a semi-virtual eFile => I want to realize the use case to cut one document from one eFile and paste it into anoth...

popeye by Champ in-the-making
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Change workflow Owner

Hello,I want to change the owner of some workflows which is started by a webscript. I don't want that the user can delete the workflow.I have tried this in the webscipt : workflow.parameters["cmwner"] = people.getPerson("superUser");‍‍‍workflow.param...

dranakan by Champ on-the-rise
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Workflow Custom Assignee using Activiti bpmn.xml file

Hello Friends,I have tried to assign custom assignee as according to, is possible to delegate to custom assignment logic using a task listener on the create event: =...

pankajnegi by Champ in-the-making
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REST API, complete Task with variables

Hi there,I'm trying to use the REST API complete PUT request, like soUT /activiti-rest/service/task/734/completethe example I'm running is the Expense_process.bpmn20.xml which comes with the activiti-engine-examples in.\activiti-5.7\workspace\activit...

pih by Champ in-the-making
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Process end time not available in process end listener

Hi all,In my Activiti 5.9 project (with CDI, history = full), I've setup a global execution listener for the process end event via a custom BPMN parse listener. Inside the event handler, I try to load the current process instance via the HistoryServi...

naag by Champ in-the-making
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Recover /Delete document no longer visible in share

Hello allI ran some javascript rules on a folder which caused one document to not show up at all in share any more. If I try to reupload the document; I cannot; the upload simply fails. Is there some query that can be run in node browser (or elsewher...

jackjm by Champ in-the-making
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org.activiti.spring.test.components example not working.

Hi,   i am trying org.activiti.spring.test.components example given in spring distrubution in my application and i have written the following code to start the process                            Deployment d=repositoryService.createDeployment()      ...

Admin Login Lost

Hi all. I'm a newbie at this. A guy set up the Alfresco for us as a document repository and left the company. I have a user account, but I can't get into the admin account. Is there a way to reset the admin password? I'm not sure what version it is. ...

gregluce by Champ in-the-making
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