Add a JSP page
Hi,Is it possible to add a JSP page to Alfresco?Namely, in the administration area.Regards,Nuno.
Hi,Is it possible to add a JSP page to Alfresco?Namely, in the administration area.Regards,Nuno.
Hi all,I want to do a statistic of the tasks of the connected user for that,I want to get list of tasks from mytasks dashlet but I get error remote undefined.tasks = new Array();filter="all";var result ="/slingshot/dashlets/my-tasks?filt...
Hi, I have pure svn build with empty database and repository. I have simple modification to data model - my own datatype (mispub:webcontent) with boolean property mispub:toProcess. When I change that property programatically like thisnodeService.set...
Hello,J'ai eu un problème pour retrouver un document. Le document en question est basé sur un modèle personnalisé où il y a un champ qui s'appelle : documentNb.Ce champ avait une valeur mais la recherche dans Alfresco (depuis l'interface Alfresco et ...
hi all:i remember jbpm have a method taskService.complate("taskid", "wayid")but how can i use it on activiti.hope you can understand. my english not good.thanks all.
hi all:i use acitiviti 5.9 and install the demo. but i cant run my rest. http://localhost:8080/activiti-rest/service/indextomcat send a exception : org.activiti.engine.ActivitiException: No router defined……2012-6-4 11:19:53 org.restlet.engine.log.Lo...
Alguien tiene una idea de como lograr que al invitar a un usuario a un Sitio en Share y que éste acepte la invitación, de manera automática se agregue a un Grupo de Usuarios? Esto con el fin de automatizar esta tarea.
We are implementing a RESTful content management service for a case management system and had a question about storing all of the documents in a single space under Company Home. I have read online that there is a performance concern about storing to...
Prezados,Alguem já teve problemas como este.Sinceramente estou pensando em desistir de usar o alfresco.Já é a terceira vez que tenho de reinstalar ele, procurei muito na internet e não achei nenhuma solução para isto.Minha versão de SO é:Win 2003 ser...
Hi all,I have Alfresco Enteprise 3.4.0. The doc says that from Alfresco 3.3, there is the rendition service.Look into the Alfresco Enterprise interface (UI), I don't know how to create or view the renditions of node?Please adviceThanks
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