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Network di siti web con Alfresco

Premetto che non conosco alfresco in quanto lo sto valutando solo ora per il caso che vi descrivo. Vorrei realizzare un network di siti web organizzati in un sito "Centrale" e un insieme di siti "satellite" (anche centinaia).A livello amministrativo ...

nandl66 by Champ in-the-making
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Custom content model issue

I deployed the same content model on different Alfresco instances (4CE and 4EE) and I have inconsistent results using the queries that try to retrieves documents with that type.It seems documents of that type are completely invisible to CMIS although...

acarpine by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco on 32bit Linux OS

Hi friends,I want to install Alfresco on my Cent OS 5.x version. However it is 32bit architecture and when I tried to download Alfresco-community-4.0.d on, it shows only 64bit version. How ...

samudaya by Champ on-the-rise
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Error boundary event on global scope

hi,I am looking into catching BpmnError from any of the Java Service Tasks in the process.Currently, I am able to catch error within the "subprocess" scope using the following process definition:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><definitions xmln...

actions with empty evaluators in share-config-custom.xml

Hi,After a few months of development, our share-config-custom.xml has become rather messy, especially with vi's handling of tabs and copy-pasting. So today, when I had to make a rather large change to it, I decided to clean it up. As I was going thro...

Custom Model Properties Form not being generated properly

I am seeing this message in the logger:05 Jul 2012 15:04:26,422 DEBUG [org.alfresco.web.scripts.forms.FormUIGet] Generating model for field "efr:d:relationship_type"05 Jul 2012 15:04:26,422 DEBUG [org.alfresco.web.scripts.forms.FormUIGet] Ignoring fi...

aweber1nj by Champ in-the-making
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Cannot set properties using createDocument??

I am currently trying to upgrade our cmis client application from Alfresco 3.2 community to 3.3g.But no matter what I try, createDocument won't set my custom properties. (Which worked fine in 3.2)(createFolder does set them …)This is what I post to a...

syberyan by Champ in-the-making
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Alerts using CMIS

Dear friends,Does CMIS provide alert/action feature?I am developing a custom desktop application which should include feature to alertuser whenever a particular document gets updated.How can we achieve this using CMIS?Thanks for any help.

nikes by Champ on-the-rise
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The CMIS specification currents defines a read-only relational view of the CMIS data model. Are there any plans in the future to add further DML statements - such as UPDATE, DELETE etc - to CMIS SQL?

sbuckle by Champ in-the-making
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OpenCMIS Tomcat 6 or struts 1.3 conflict?

My code worked fine in a project with a JUnit test.  I moved it to a struts action in tomcat and the same code gets an error.  It looks like XML parsing conflict. Does anybody know what might be causing this?ERROR:  'prefix cannot be null or empty'or...

invantix by Champ in-the-making
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