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Forum Posts

How to integrate alfresco with 3rd like google docs

Hi all,     I Installed alfresco share in my system. I need to know  that how to 3rd party document to alfresco( for eg: I create a sample application in .net(upload document form) and once the document is uploaded to the .net application automatical...

vijayshare by Champ in-the-making
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Liens externes

Bonjour à tous, Utilisant la version 4.0 d'Alfresco depuis très peu de temps pour le compte d'une PME (50 employés), je cherche à savoir si il est possible, lors de la création d'un document html ou txt de faire des liens qui pointent vers des docume...

Using SimpleHttpConnection from Webscripts

I am trying to use SimpleHttpConnection to retrieve content (from a remote server) in a webscript and write it to a content code looks like:simplehttpresult = SimpleHttpConnection.getContent(url);

jon81 by Champ in-the-making
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CIFS et Lecture seul

Bonjour,Je me pose la question suivante :Est-ce possible de configurer et si oui comment monter le CIFS en lecture seule? Sans passer par la solution de créer un utilisateur en mode lecture seule.Car la gestion des fichiers lock en CIFS n'est pas enc...

b3rz3k by Champ in-the-making
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Issue with Date Search on CM8

Hi,we are using OpenWorkdesk in a Content Manager 8.4.3 environment => my date search is not working. When using the OpenWorkdesk date widget, the format of the date to be searched is "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S". The format required by Content Manager is...

popeye by Champ in-the-making
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Change item type in CM8 environment

Hi,we are using OpenWorkdesk in a Content Manager 8.4.3 environment => I enabled the "move" plugin for a user on the assumption that it would allow a user to move a document from one item type to another, but I could not see that it allowed this. We ...

popeye by Champ in-the-making
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SOLR Issues - Multiple, help please

I'm getting the following log entries on the SOLR host (SOLR is running on a seperate machine to alfresco), and i cannot find any reference on the internet to help me understand the errors i'm getting, this WAS previously working, i cleared the index...

only the Administrator can see Site listing in Documents

When viewing the Documents (Site listing) on Alfresco Mobile, it seems only the Administrator can see the sites.  Any other user, whether local or LDAP, does not see any site they belong to in the listing, it is blank.  Activities and Search do work ...

bcohen by Champ in-the-making
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set d:noderef property?

How would I go about setting a noderef property in CMIS (I'm using Apache Chemistry if it make a difference)?I'm trying to use the cm:referencesnode aspect, and want to set the cm:noderef property to point to another object so I can maintain a relati...

aweber1nj by Champ in-the-making
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Problem acessing custom content model in dev environment

Hi All,I am starting to write some Java classes that will run within the JVM of Alfresco, and in order to simplify the process, I'm using the EmbeddedServer driven by the JUnit testing framework.  I've made some great progress with this, and have bee...