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Forum Posts

Packing and booting activiti-cdi in an EAR

Hello!i try to get activiti-cdi in an ear (a war, some ejbs, a pu jar and some libs) up and running and i seem to struggle with it.What i tried first was to define dependencies in my wars pom and all activiti-cdi dependencies was therefore placed in ...

actnewbie by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco 4.0c Modules Evaluators

Hello, it's not so clear on how we can use Evaluators in Extensibility Module Deployment; can we use the "out of the box" evaluators also in module configuration file in the subcomponent evauation? Like:<module>    <id>Blog Module (Conditionally Hide...

m_scapoli by Champ in-the-making
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Replies to topics not displayed in Discussions

We're experimenting with 4.0.b on CentOS 6 x64.  We used the 'Easy' install route, utilizing the bundled PostgreSQL, Tomcat, Java, etc.  The only modification is that we enabled Multi-Tenancy.Everything has generally been working well until today.  W...

fusework by Champ in-the-making
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hai..When I start alfrsco server..JRE_HOME  just shows /usr..pls let me know where to set this path..I'm using open-jdk from Ubuntu ..sourceone@sourceone-ThinkCentre-M71e:~/alfresco-4.0.d$ ./ start tomcatUsing CATALINA_BASE:   /home/source...

sheelamk by Champ in-the-making
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Form Default Values

Hi,I defined a process with some fields which should be prepopulated with defaul values.      <extensionElements>        <activiti:formProperty id="template" name="Template Name" type="string" required="true" readable="true" writable="true"></activit...

hheg8837 by Champ in-the-making
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Activiti Database configuration

How does one dynamically specify schema name while using spring activiti configuration with jndi datasource?I have the following configuration<bean id="processEngineConfiguration" class="org.activiti.spring.SpringProcessEngineConfiguration">       <p...

pp84 by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco Community 4.0d DateTime Comparison Issue

Hi all,I've tried to run the sample query posted on wiki, no matter using "<", ">", ">=" or "<=", it always return empty result set.Someone said that this bug is fixed on v3.4 and it can be solved using the old URL pattern on v4.0d.I've tried the fol...

stockbuyer by Champ in-the-making
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Lucene Query Issues

Hi all,I want to search the file which the filename is "PDF", when I use the following query to search the repository, it will return all files which the name contains "PDF", is it possible to search the file with exact match mode?Query query = new Q...

stockbuyer by Champ in-the-making
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Granular Permissions

I am evaluating Alfresco Cloud for my company, but until there is a better permission granting scheme the outcome will unfortunately be negative. I have read the Product Roadmap for Alfresco Cloud and it states following:Granular Permissions- User ex...

Discount code for new Activiti in Action book

Tijs Rademakers has published a new book on Activiti called Activiti in Action. His publisher, Manning, is offering everyone in the Alfresco community a 37% discount. Use the code "12aiajp" for 37% off. You must purchase the book through http://manni...

jpotts by World-Class Innovator
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