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Forum Posts

Service parameters and return value

Hi, I am trying to interact with a service facade using XML only. I am stuck with how to pass parameters from outside expressions.I have the following process:<serviceTask id="javaService" name="Read voltage"      activiti:expression="#{ServiceDelega...

mhw by Champ in-the-making
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ActivitiClassLoadingException: Class not Found

I have created a Activiti Project in eclipse using ecplise Activiti plugin.I deploy the bar file and jar file.I deployed the jar file in webapps/activiti-explorer/WEBINF/lib.My process have service task and that service task had a listener class.If I...

sarkar92 by Champ in-the-making
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POST variables

Hello!I'm still building my first script. The problem now is - how can I get POST vars in the js file?I use ajax on my side - so I cannot send 'multipart/form-data' and access it through 'formdata' object. For GET vars there is 'url.extension', but ...

alina by Champ in-the-making
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Generalized Questions on Alfresco

Hello,I have been put on a project to seek out and understand the tools Alfresco offers.Recently, I was asked some pointed questions which I did not have the answer.I am hoping to find answers or direction with this post.1) If a document is uploaded ...

donor3 by Champ in-the-making
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solr , doubts

Hi All I am using Alfresco community edition 4.0.d on Linux I have to generate new solr SSl certificate, I am going through the docs at doubts I have Do I need to have...

bisana by Champ on-the-rise
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How to customize Web quick start Contents

hi,i would like to store a set of PDF files in Alfresco quick start's publication folder in Document library.When i upload a new PDF files into the publication folder of web quick start .that PDF files not displayed into that  publication page . some...

mithun by Champ in-the-making
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Criação de campos no Alfresco SHARE

Boa tarde galera,estou começando a mexer com o Alfresco faz pouco tempo e estou perdido.Eu preciso fazer algumas alterações no Alfresco SHARE como por exemplo,criar campos novos, só que eu não sei nem por onde começar.Eu procurei por varios arquivos ...

ActivitiClassLoadingException: Class not Found

I have created a Activiti Project in eclipse using ecplise Activiti plugin.I deploy the bar file and jar file.I deployed the jar file in webapps/activiti-explorer/WEBINF/lib.My process have service task and that service task had a listener class.If I...

sarkar92 by Champ in-the-making
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Query worked so far, today not

Hithis query"SELECT t.cmisbjectId FROM cmis:document as d join lynx:documentable as t on d.cmisbjectId = t.cmisbjectId "has always worked, now not……this the exception:Exception in thread "main" org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisRun...

fabernate by Champ in-the-making
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