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Forum Posts

Encrypted password for databases

I configured alfresco to use Oracle  ( was wondering, how can I encrypt this password (db.password) in file.? Regards

mrsaqib by Champ in-the-making
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Auto logon: identification session windows

Bonjour, J'ai installé alfresco 4, avec les option suivant: AD, cifs, Pour amélioré l’accès j'aimerai utiliser, identification de ma session Windows sous IE et firefox .J'ai trouver plusieurs procédure mais aucune n'a activé cette option .J'aimerai q...

amine120 by Champ in-the-making
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Copy a Alfresco Share Wiki Page from one Site to another?

Hello All,I am looking for a solution how to copy several wiki pages created on a share site to another one. I don't have find a real usable approach to do this task. Sometimes the same starting wiki for multiple sites makes sence. Best RegardsAna

anakinde by Champ in-the-making
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[3.4.d] Echec upload en HTTPS

Bonjour,J'ai installé Alfresco 3.4.d CE sous Linux.Mon install est pleinement fonctionnelle en http.J'ai mis en place un accès en HTTPS en générant un certificat auto-signé, placer le certificat et la clé dans le keystore de confiance de la JVM, édit...

mathieu_i by Champ in-the-making
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How to create form using 'Alfresco form model management pl'

hi all,      this is venkat and newbie to alfresco and to create and manage forms using "alfresco form model management".If anybody is there using this plugin please help me create forms in share.please give me step by step instructions to ...

ptvnrao by Champ in-the-making
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Missing Records Management Administrator group

Hi thereI've just tried setting up RM on Alfresco Enterprise 3.4.8. I added the RM Admin dashlet to the admin's user dashboard then clicked on the link to create the RM site. The site was created OK but I don't see the RM Admin group listed in Alfres...

ukdavo by Champ in-the-making
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Adding discussion feature of alfresco in other web applicati

Hi All,I want to add the discussion feature of alfresco in my web application.There should be a button like discussion in the jsp page ..while clicking on the button it will redirect the "discussion " feature of alfresco.So that end user can create n...

abhashree by Champ in-the-making
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Renaming a namespace

Hi thereWe're refactoring some custom content models, standardising on naming conventions, etc. As part of this we'd like to rename a custom namespace. Unfortunately we're getting errors on attempting to apply an aspect that references the renamed na...

ukdavo by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco database

can you help me to find a description of the Alfresco database tables?thank you in advance

notherien by Champ in-the-making
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Managing groups with Web Services

Hello,I´m new developing Alfresco that I´m integrating with Liferay, and I have some problems that I need to solve, so I hope that someone can help me .We have sites on Liferay that need their own site/folder on Alfresco, and we want to make it from ...

fmberqui by Champ in-the-making
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