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Forum Posts

External link as Content file name

Hi,I am new to Alfresco. Here is my requirement. I am able to create a html content with some content file name and it just navigate to that content page and I have few external links there. But now I have to display  external links as the content fi...

Checkout and checkin a file searched by lucene

Hi All,I've made a small script that searches a file (it works) … but when I try to check it out the pdf "image", I have an error : 2012-09-21 10:52:29,318  DEBUG [repo.jscript.ScriptLogger] [defaultAsyncAction6] Fichier original : G-12-082-Formulair...

piski by Champ on-the-rise
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Aspect des données

SVP Je debute avec alfresco et j aimerai bien avoir des TP ou un tuto apropos de la gestion de l aspect des données sur interface explorer !!

trying to create a simple-workflow action

I am trying to create a simple-workflow action with javascript.  I have the following javascript so far:var workflow = actions.create("simple-workflow");if(!document.hasAspect("app:simpleworkflow")){   document.addAspect("app:simpleworkflow");}docume...

pchoe by Champ in-the-making
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definitional data

Is it possible to store variables/configuration as part of the process definition (bmpn) rather than a process instance?

fmpdmb by Champ on-the-rise
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icon for a process definition

Hi, is it possible (didn't find something in the engine API) or planned to provide an icon for a process definition? This way users could be provided a overview of all the process definitions available with an easy to recognize icon/image andit would...

Problema con las busquedas en alfresco

Buenos dias, soy nueva , y desde hace varios dias estoy teniendo problemas con las busquedas.Cuando realizo busqueda desde share no me muestra ningun resultado a persar que tengo información que deberia mostrarme, y cuando utilizo la consola de alfre...

jazela by Champ in-the-making
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Default Permessi

Buongiorno a tutti,sono un nuovo utilizzatore di Alfresco. E' estrememante intuitivo quasi in tutto .Cerco di sintetizzare lo scenario :- Ho creato un sito "mioSito"- all'interno del sito ho creato una cartella "miaCartella"- quando vado a gestire i ...

fabionoli by Champ in-the-making
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Evaluation of Activiti

Hello all!!Today, i start an internship and i have to evaluate the two workflow tools, "Kaleo" and "Activiti". At the end of the evaluation, one of these tools should be integrated in Liferay. Now i have some questions about Activiti and i hope you c...

larsson7 by Champ in-the-making
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Lucene query with one character (lettre A)

Hi,I have a very strange problem. In my model, I have the aspect "my_aspect" which is a one character String.When I build the query with any letter (B, E, F, …) it worksExample:@my_model\:my_aspect:"F"but when I put the A letter, I don't obtain any r...

soriaedu79 by Champ in-the-making
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