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Problem with custom task in Designer

Hi,  I worked through the money-tasks example and constructed some custom tasks for the designer, and all went well.  However, when I create a task containing only a BOOLEAN_CHOICE, it does not get saved in the XML output.  I looked for an error, but...

blezek by Champ on-the-rise
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Java 6 as minimum version for Activiti

Hi all,Since Java 6 is already available GA since 2006, I think it's time to have that version as the minimum version.Does anybody see an issue with this?Best regards,

trademak by Star Contributor
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Deployment Listener

Does Acitiviti have any support for a deployment listener ?I want to be able to get notified when a deployment is taken place, so that I can retrieve some information from the ACT_RE_PROCDEF table.In my Application, we needed to make some relationshi...

jcharnet by Champ in-the-making
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Problema de fuente al visualizar documentos

Buenas! Qué tal? Estoy teniendo problemas al previsualizar los documentos desde Alfresco (si los descargo se ven perfectamente). Imagino que debe ser porque me lee mal la fuente, dónde van las fuentes, en /opt/alfresco/java/jre/lib/fonts, no? Qué otr...

lisandro by Champ in-the-making
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[SOLVED] Search with lucene in javascript

I would search a Content Items in alfresco, I would look for the name of uploaded files, eg:[img][/img]Uploaded with ImageShack.usif I try as followsnodes = search.luceneSearch("TEXT:AAexampleModel.x...

ersecchio by Champ in-the-making
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Errores en Share tras migración

Buenas,recientemente he realizado una migración de Alfresco 3.3g a Alfresco 4.0eAparentemente no hay ningún problema serio en la arrancada (no sale ningún error gordo ni nada), pero sin embargo, el share no acaba de funcionar correctamente, estos son...

Rule not triggered after specializing type

Hi there,At the moment I want to configure a rule which send out a notification to a person when content gets a a custom content type assigned.For example a user upload one particular document A.pdf. At this moment the content type is still cm:conten...

mkieboom by Champ in-the-making
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how to add listener to callActivity?

I designed the subprocess ,and setting start event listener 。<process id="called" name="calledprocess">resId: <extensionElements>  <activiti:executionListener event="start" class="com.ray.listener.StartEventListener" />   <activiti:executionListener ...

ray1 by Champ in-the-making
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Folder won't open

I have an sub- folder inside my repository that I can't open.  There are ten files in it and I can access each file individually through the workstore but whenever I try to open the folder it hangs with a "loading document library" message and just s...

joekings by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco 4.0.d Community + Solr - GetModelsDiff status 401

Hi.I'm trying to setup Solr as the index engine of my Alfresco 4.0.d Community, but I'm facing with this error message.GRAVE: Job Solr.CoreTracker-archive threw an unhandled Exceptionrg.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException: 08240002 GetModelsDiff ...

douglascrp by World-Class Innovator
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