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Forum Posts

video problem with alfresco..

hello guysi have a problem with alfresco community 4.0 . i installed the alfresco and i start archiving my files ( just multimedia ) and after uploading it i can't play the video and audio. i just can download it but i need to see the video without d...

aied by Champ in-the-making
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Feedback de tarefas

Olá,Sou novo no Alfresco e estou testando ele para a empresa, só que estou com algumas dúvidas e dificuldades, vamos lá.1)Não consigo entrar no site de outra pessoa, eu recebo o convite e aceito, abre uma pagina no notes (LotusNotes) em que eu consig...

rbmoraes by Champ in-the-making
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Problème édition en ligne

Bonjour, Je travaille avec alfresco-4.2.b.J'ai un problème d'édition en ligne des documents MS Office.J'utilise MS Office je clique sous share sur le bouton "éditer en ligne", word s'ouvre mais sans contenu .Le document ne s'ouvre pas .Sachan...

abrahmi by Champ in-the-making
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Missing DB column after migration to Activiti 5.11

Hello Activiti developers,I just migrated from Activiti 5.10 to 5.11. I started my application once with parameter databaseSchemaUpdate=true  (then turned the parameter value back to "false") therefore the DB schema should be upgraded. No errors were...

mmaker1234 by Champ in-the-making
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Extend the Activiti Explorer activiti:formProperty

Hi,I've been working for a while with Activiti and I now need to extend the formProperty. I want to list in the Activiti-Explorer(!!) my own form (e.g. for a task user) that also has radio buttons, check buttons, textArea etc. It is very important to...

ioana by Champ in-the-making
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Appeler un script batch depuis Alfresco

Bonjour à tous,J'essaie d'appeler un script (.bat) depuis Alfresco. Ce script est en local sur ma machine et doit être appelé automatiquement dès que l'utilisateur créé un fichier dans un espace cible (depuis Alfresco Share). Ma grande question est d...

leperuvien by Champ in-the-making
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Automatically Save Gmails into Alfresco Imap Home Repository

Hello , I installed Alfresco 4.2 b release.I did the configuration of the Outbound and Inbound SMTP properties and the IMAP Protocols as indicated in Alfresco Documentation > Administering > Configuring email and Configuring IMAP Protocol support . I...

atouma by Champ in-the-making
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Validation propriétés aspect

Bonjour,J'ai crée un aspect avec un champ liste déroulante contenant une liste de valeurs extraites d'une base externe.C'est fonctionnel.Je voudrais utiliser le type texte (et non pas liste déroulante)pour ce champ et la validation se fait par une bo...

abrahmi by Champ in-the-making
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Export search results to Excel

Hello!I need the ability to export search results to Excel format, at least CSV.Does anybody have such experience?

user21 by Champ in-the-making
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