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Forum Posts

IllegalStateException: Merged section has too few docs

Hi,anyone, i' meet the problem of   alfresco search as follows:I use alfresco-community-4.2.a-installer-linux-x64 in suse linux, and run alfresco at first is OK, but when import  every 10MB file to alfresco with 200 persons concurrency,the alfresco l...

mathcaoli by Champ in-the-making
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searchService finds deleted content

I was having trouble with a scheduled job due to the fact that the "fts-alfresco" search I was running was returning some node references to nodes that are already deleted. I thought that might be some kind of corruption on the Lucene index because f...

iblanco by Confirmed Champ
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Alfresco Community 4.x on WebSphere

Please point me to document with instructions on installing Alfresco on running instance of WebSphere Application Server using database as DB2.Thanks,Mohan

mohanraolv by Champ in-the-making
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alfresco database nuked

While I have an enterprise license, I'm using community edition in order to be on the same page as Jeff Potts in all of his guides.  I was having trouble with a web script, so I went to enable WebScript logging.  Changed the value from "off" to "warn...

Best Practice to use CIFS in Alfresco Community 4.0e

Hello Alfresco-Admins,i am an Admin in a non-profit Organization with ~200 Users that chose Alfresco Community as their new ECM-System. In general, we get along with the system and don't mind a few bugs. However, CIFS is driving me crazy. Since CIFS ...

cvwo by Champ in-the-making
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Blogs and Wikis

Hi everybody,I'm new to Alfresco, so I'd like to ask you some important questions:I saw that it is possible to create Forum spaces… is it possible to create Blogs and Wikis too?Thank youCarmelo

csaffi by Champ in-the-making
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Activiti Licensing, how does it work?

Hi everyone,Sorry about that question, I'm a newbie about software licensing. I'm using some Activiti classes in my project, cause I saw that should be the more efficient way to render some content, like Activiti Process Forms, and other things.The q...

Using Activiti Bare bones Style

I would like to use Activiti for its workflow engine in a very light-weight manner.I would rather not run the entire environment on a Tomcat server, rather I would like to define theworkflows in xml, retaining these as source, define my workflow dele...

largesnike by Champ in-the-making
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activiti fork creation using activiti github -best practice?

Hi activiti users and developers,i would be create the activiti fork using the gitmuster.What best practice to realize it?My Idea is:1. Import of the maven projects for each of the modules mv...

udoderk by Champ in-the-making
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I cannot post

Hello,I cannot post a message to "Developers" - "Repository services". My messages do not appear in the forum, although they do appear in my "User menu" - "Messages" - "Posts", but as Unpublished post. Do they need to be approved first?Thank you,roxa...

anghelutar by Champ in-the-making
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