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Error on reset password dialog

I got the below error when I tried to install the reset-password-dialog-0.1.1.jar  on tomcat/shared/lib06050008 Wrapped Exception (with status template): 06050042 Failed to execute script 'classpath*:alfresco/templates/webscripts/org/sharextras/sling...

xzibit12 by Champ in-the-making
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doclib2 boolean property behaviuor

Hi,I am migrating a software from 4.0 to 4.2.In my model i have a properties:<property name="my:example">   <title>example</title>   <type>d:boolean</type></property>‍‍‍‍‍‍I create a custom renderer in share where i read "my:example" property value.I...

by Not applicable
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change sortField for imagesummary dashlet

hello!i am using community 4.0d and i have a imagesummray dashlet which sorts pictures by cm:name. i would like to change that into cm:created or cm:modified so that the last editet or uploaded picture is the first item in the imagesummary dashlet.i ...

mrksjs by Champ on-the-rise
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HOW TO execute serviceTask asynchronous?

hello everyone,   I met a problem. I tried to use the serviceTask node to do webservice request,when the webservice throw a timeout exception ,the system would execute this serviceTask again. I want to set a interval between the first execution and t...

ray1 by Champ in-the-making
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Centos 6.2 and alfresco 4.d

I have been trying for several weeks to install without success.I have installed Cents 6.2 64bit.  I install a basic server (no database, no apache)  then run the bin community Version.I have accepted the basic settings entering just a Password when ...

chrisryder by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco 4.2 community supporto sharepoint

Ciao a tutti,ho recentemente installato Alfresco 4.2.B e successivamente la 4.2C, su una Linux Centos 6.3.Sulla 4.2.B e sulla 4.2.C ho modificando il file come segue:vti.server.port=7070vti.alfresco.alfresoHostWithPort=http...

Migrar Alfresco 3.1 a nuevo server con alfresco 4.2.c

Buen dia a tod@s. Tuve algunos problemas con la sincrinozacion LDAP de Alfresco 3.1. debido a todo lo que se presento decidimos actualizar Alfresco a la version 4.2.c.Aun tengo Alfresco 3.1 trabajando en un servidor fisico con Red Hat. Instale un ser...

eleon by Champ in-the-making
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Global eventlistener and history api

Hi,I checked the board, the documentation and the engine and I miss the following:- A global listener/interceptor/bus whatever which can catch events and sending out notifications for each process without modeling. For example to inform the user that...

mpriess by Champ in-the-making
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Patch for AdminRunningInstancePanel

I attach a small patch to fix a small bug I found on the administration panel of Activiti Explorer 5.11.I've a process with subprocesses that had several update of the process. I've developed a new revision, deployed it via the activiti explorer pane...

michele1 by Champ in-the-making
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